Chapter One

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(Y/N)'s Point of View:
I kicked my legs back and forth, looking down, and humming to myself. Humming always calmed me whenever Mommy and Daddy were yelling at each other. They yelled about a lot of things. I think money was what they mostly yelled about. We lived in a little apartment, at the corner of a bad looking street. There was a lot of garbage, and weeds everywhere, but there was a really nice old lady who would give me cinnamon rolls on cold mornings.

This was a little different, though... Mommy and Daddy promised that we would go get ice cream. I got out of the car, and waited for them, but they told me to go inside... there was something they needed to talk about.

I did as told, and sat at a table, looking around. It wasn't until a few minutes later that I realized the car was gone... and so was Mommy and Daddy. So now I'm here, sitting outside, waiting as the sun is setting. I was starting to get really scared now, and there wasn't a lot of people around now. My stomach growled, but I shrugged it off. I was sent to bed without dinner before. This is no different.

I hummed louder, and sat back in the little chair the ice cream shoppe left out. I could see the North Star... it was very pretty next to the Moon...

"Hello, there."

I blinked, and looked up, automatically feeling uneasy. There stood a man, wearing a blue t-shirt, and dark blue pants with black shoes. There was a glowing white G on his shirt, that had a bit of a red, and blue tinge to it. It hurt my eyes to stare at... he had black, wavy hair that went down to his ears, a bit of a stubble on his chin, rectangular glasses, and brown eyes. He had an oriental complection to him.

"H-hi," I stuttered, looking away.

He grinned. "What are you doing out here so late? And by yourself, none the less."

Daddy always said not to talk to strangers, especially about personal things... I kept my mouth shut, still looking away.

He grumbled slightly. "Where are your parents?"

I frowned, tensing.

"Look, I-!"

We both froze, and stared at each other as my stomach growled loudly, making me flinch. "I-I'm sorry," I whispered. "Mommy and Daddy left me here around lunch time. I-I don't know where they are."

I heard the man sigh. "I'm sure you're expecting somewhere to stay."

"N-no," I protested, looking up. "I-I need to wait for Mommy and Daddy!"

He crouched, giving me a cold stare. "They are not coming back."

"You're lieing."

"Am I? As far as I am concerned, your family doesn't have a lot of money. You're clothes are too small, and you probably live in a crappy neighborhood. Your parents yell a lot, right? They may even yell at you for things you can't control. They will have more money to spare with you out of the picture. They left you here, so they could have more money."

I tensed. "You're l-lieing!"

"They don't care about you! You're parents are like all of the other parents out there! Regretful! Pained! They wished they hadn't chosen to have a child!"

"Stop it," I pushed him back, standing. "Th-they wouldn't do that! They wouldn't think that!"

He stumbled, but righted himself, standing as well. He shot me a glare, making me flinch, and look away, clenching my hands into fists tightly. I trembled slightly, processing his words. They would have come back if they forgot me... and... they wouldn't purposefully leave me here... would they...?

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