Chapter Three

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(Y/N) Point of View:

Yawning, I rubbed my eyes, sitting up. It was morning, the sunlight streaming in through the window. I looked around me, and found myself in an unfamiliar room, and even an unfamiliar house. It was plain, with only things that were needed, like a couch, a small coffee table, and a small tv. There weren't any picture, mirrors, plants, or anything like that. It was almost boring, compared to my usual cramped and crowded apartment.

Looking down, I chewed my lip, then stood. They'll come back for me, I thought. I just know it. There was a noise from what looked to be the kitchen, catching my attention. tiptoeing over to the wall that separated the kitchen from the living room, I peered around it, eyes widening. There was Google, staring out the window, a mug of something hot in his hands, dark circles under his eyes and scowling.

I thought it best not to interrupt. I remembered Daddy looking like that in the morning, and would always get upset at me if I tried talking to him. He got nicer after his coffee... So maybe that's what Google is drinking. Hm.

Slinking back to the couch, I sat down, and looked around, getting bored quickly. I wanted to find Mommy, and Daddy, or at least have them find me. Sighing, I kicked my legs back and forth gently, running my toes through the carpet. A little song ran through my head, just a tune I made up. I hummed it gently, smiling ever so slightly. I closed my eyes, humming that song, and gripping the cushions of the couch, trying to beat back the bad memories of Mommy and Daddy, trying to put in the good ones, or make up my own. Sometimes the bad memories would slide in, and then I couldn't make it go away.

I stopped humming, and slowing opened my eyes, staring at my lap, my legs going  still, and my hands limp.

"(Y/N)? Why did you stop humming?"

Looking over, I found Google standing in the entryway of the kitchen, eyes wide, looking almost surprised. I glanced down, blushing deeply. "I just... wanted to stop."

He studied me for a moment, and took a sip of his coffee, nodding slowly. "I guess so. Anyway. What are your plans?"


"To find your parents, or whatever. They may have left you, but that doesn't mean you can't go back."

I blinked. I hadn't really thought of just going back home. Why...? Why didn't that cross my mind? Nodding, I smiled slightly. "Yeah. Can... Uh. If it's alright, can you help me get home?"

He stopped for a moment, and I could almost see him think. "I... I don't see why not."

"Okay!" I beamed. "Let's go."

Sorry for the short chapter, but damn. I don't have ideas right now. Sorry! Anyway, do you think your parents are gonna bring you back in? Hm? Who knows?

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