Chapter Twenty-Eight

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After a good hour, Dark returned, walking tenderly to not moved his side too much, a very worried Chica at his side. He murmured for her to lay, moving to the table, watching as the dog curled in the corner, giving him sad eyes. With a small sigh, he leaned heavily against the table, grabbing the disconnected tubes again, slipping them back into (Y/N)'s arm. They whimpered, and shrank back, hands shaking, bottom lip trembling.

And how much did they want to tell him to let them go, to let them go back home. Google's bed suddenly seemed so inviting, his arms warm. Sam's curses funny, and Tim's care wonderful. Bing's food seemed so tasty, their mouth salivated just at the thought. They were going to die, weren't they? Tears slipped down their already tear stained cheeks.

Dark barely gave them a glance, moving onto the side table, grabbing a filled syringe. He stuck the needle into their neck, impatient, too impatient to do anything properly. If this didn't work, he'd try again with another subject. It wasn't that hard to find another child.

Taking a step back, he watched as (Y/N) struggled, and jolted, silently screaming as the pain coursed through their veins, rushing quickly, rushing too fast. Their heart stuttered, eyes rolling in the back of their head. Foam dribbled out of the corner's of their mouth as they went into cardiac arrest, body jolting.

Dark sighed, and ran a hand through his hand, the body stilling to silence.

Another failure.

Another body.

So, disconnecting the straps, pulling the tubes out, and setting the supplies aside, he grabbed their lifeless body, and strode out, throwing it in the trunk of the car. He got in, leaving Chica to whine and wonder the house, and drove off. He left LA, moving towards the next city over, and dumped the body in his usual dumping grounds, where body upon body lay, decaying, stinking. He added another onto the growing pile, and tugged on his hair. He really thought (Y/N) would be the one, would have a possibility to survive the sudden amount. But alas, that wasn't the case.

Getting back into the car, he drove back home, disappointment rolling next to the pain in his side. Well, all he had to do now was clean up the mess from Google.

Great. Another chore to the list.

The End.

Picture by Maskman626

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