Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

I woke up feeling groggy and tired.

What happened?

After the sleep wore off me, I looked around, confused by where I was. The room was what looked like a cabin. The walls were a light oak, while the floors a deep mahogany. In front of me was a TV, and I who happened to be laying on the king sized bed, was opposite the TV.

Looking around the room, I realised I still didn’t know why I was here, or who brought me here. I looked down at my dress, which was dirty and ripped. The once beautiful satin dress was now covered in dirt, mud and rips.  I heavy heartedly ran my fingers across my dress, if my outfit looked like this; imagine the state I must look. I heard a noise from the corner of the room and froze.

“Good, you’re awake” A gruff voice spoke; I turned around and saw Ryder standing there. I gasped as the recent events triggered in my mind, forcing me to remember; the attack, the wolf, and Ryder. I quickly back away from him, in fear. Pain flashed in his eyes, before he masked his emotions.

“Don’t come near me!” I shouted, grabbing the nearest thing and using it as my defence. Ryder tried to come closer, but every time he did I back away. I stood up from the bed, edging away from him.

“I’m not going to hurt you Tessa” His calm voice sent shivers down my spine. I shouldn’t let him affect me this way; after all he could kill me. I shook my head frantically, and stepped backwards. 

“How do I know? You killed those people!” I spat.

“I did it for your benefit! If I didn’t, they wouldn’t have thought twice before snapping your neck” he growled. I gulped, would they have really killed me? I felt a hazy from the confusion, who is telling the truth? I stepped backwards, and felt the cold wall touch my back. I didn’t notice how close Ryder was until I felt his breath fanning my face, and his hands near the sides of my head. I was trapped. I felt his warm breath on the side of my ear, my heart thumped softly.

“Listen to me Tessa; I will not hurt you, ever. I did what I did to protect you.” He said coolly into my ear, sending a wave of pleasurable shivers down my body. I snapped out of trance and pushed him away, taking this time to run away from him. I heard him growl and start to chase after me. I ran fast my feet pounding on the wooden floors, I was just about to open the door and run outside, when hands wrapped around my waists.

“Let me go!” I shrieked pulling and struggling. He held tight against him, my back against his chest. I could feel Ryder’s breath on my neck. I don’t know why I was so adamant on running away from him; he did save me, twice. I felt warm tears run down my cheeks, it may seem a little weird to cry right now, but I was emotionally exhausted. Just an hour ago I found out that creatures that were supposed to be mythical, were living right near me, I spoke to them every day, was friends with them, I even kissed one. Wouldn’t anyone in my position cry?

“I’m sorry” Ryder softly said into my ear, turning me around so we were face to face. He rested his forehead against mine, our eyes boring into each other’s.

“You shouldn’t have found out like that. I should have protected you better” He carried on, his eyes darkening. “But, just hear me out Tessa, if you don’t want anything to do with me afterwards I’ll understand.” Ryder finished, looking at me for an answer. My eyes gazed over his face, his handsome face. This person could make me feel things I’d never felt before, could take me to places I’ve never been, but can I trust him?

“Fine” I said quietly watching him from under my lashes. He gave me boyish smile, making my heart race and faint traces of a smile grace my lips. He took my hand and led me out of the cabin and into a clearing.

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