Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

The mall was attacked and it was the same people who killed Stacy.

The words kept on playing back in my mind. I was lost for words and rendered speechless. I stared into Anna’s eye, hoping that every word she said had been a lie. We were in the mall half an hour ago, that could’ve been us. We could’ve been a victim of the attack. While I was in my shock, I could hear Anna and Eva trying to calm Summer down, as she looked just as frightened as me. Is that why Eva dragged us out the mall? Is that why she looked disturbed, if so then how? How could she have known that the murderers were there? 

“How did Eva know that the murderers were there? Why did she bring us here?” Summer questioned panic written all over her. I watched as they tried to calm her down. My mind wasn’t even working anymore. I felt like someone wasn’t telling me something; that a piece of the puzzle was being kept hidden from me.

“Summer, calm down. I just knew ok, I felt like something was wrong and I made us leave” Eva explained, although I didn’t quite believe her. Summer narrowed her eyes down on Eva, before she sighed and left the situation alone.

I, on the other hand, stood still, lost in my own thoughts. I guess they had forgotten that I was there since I wasn’t talking.

Everything was silent, for a few minutes, before he strolled in.

Ryder walked in narrowing his eyes once he spotted us, but mainly me. I felt a shiver crawl down my spine, every time he walked in, including now. He looked at Anna and they looked at each other, it was almost like they were talking, but not out loud. Ryder let out a small growl, making me stare at him in shock. Did he just growl? Anna gave him a small glare before clearing her throat. Well that was really awkward.

“Um, Ryder, I was just telling the girls that the mall was attacked by the murderers.” Anna awkwardly said staring at anything but us. Ryder looked at me, his eyes assessing my body, in what seemed like concern. He then looked at Eva and they looked as well, like they were having a chat. Eva quickly got up to leave before looking at us.

“Guys I’m going to the police station, to file a witness report. I’ll be back and please just stay here, until I come” she said looking at Summer and I. We nodded our heads, not knowing why we had to stay here, but if it made Eva happy then we will.

“Well, Summer why don’t you follow me to the kitchen, you must be hungry?” She said gesturing Summer over. Summer looked over at me and Ryder before her eyes widened.

“ok, I am really hungry” She said a bit too eagerly, before bouncing out of the room, the moments before forgotten. I moved eyes from the door to Ryder, who was looking at me intensely. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. He came closer towards me, my heart beat picked up a little. I blushed as he stood in front of me, way closer than before. I stared into his deep chocolate eyes, that made my heart skip a beat every time I saw them.

He leaned close towards me before hugging me.

My eyes widened as I was engulfed into his arms. Immediately a blush blossomed on my face as I hug him back. We stayed like that for a few moments before he pulled away. He stared at me again.

“Are you alright” He spoke in a husky voice. It may have been three simple words, but it was enough to make butterflies fly in my stomach. I couldn’t help the grin that adorned my face. I looked up at him and smiled, nodding my head.


We were in Anna’s room, watching something. Eva still wasn’t back from the police station, and it had been a while since she left. Summer was acting fine again, to my relief. I, however, am still in doubt. I tried asking Anna why exactly we are here and every time I did she’d answer with the same reply.

“To protect you”

I know I may be sounding stubborn but I don’t understand why we can’t be ‘protected’ in our own homes. It’s a good thing I phoned Sophie up to tell her I’ll be late. She’s at her friend’s house, there’s no way I’d let her stay at home alone, especially with these murderers lurking around.

We were lying on Anna’s bed; Summer and Anna were completely engrossed into the show or film they were watching. I wasn’t really bothered to watch anything, as I was too occupied with my own thoughts.

My mouth started to feel really dry, and it was at that moment I knew I needed water. I got up from the bed.

“Hey guys I’m going to get some water” I said.

“Remember to flush” Summer said waving me off, not even looking at me. I rolled my eyes, what was so interesting about the show they were watching anyway. I bet they were only interest because of the half naked guy, who was flaunting his abs.

I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I sighed in content, liking the feeling of the coldness of the water in my throat. I drank the water, like it was my last day on earth. A lazy smile came on face, as I stood against the counter, sipping my water. I was pretty sure that if anybody came in, they would most likely think I was high.

A chuckle echoed through the room, scaring me. This resulted in me dropping the glass of water on the floor. I yelped as the glass pierced my skin. Immediately that person came by my side. I looked  up and saw Ryder crouching down next to me.

He examined the cut on my finger, before frowning. Tears stung my eyes at the intensity of the pain from the cut. It wasn’t that big, but boy did it sting.

“You should be more careful” he said glaring at the cut on my finger, before gently taking my arm and pulling me towards him. I stared at him frowning, and stopped moving.

“What about the broken glass” I questioned looking back at the shards of glass on the floor, before turning back to him.

“I’ll clean it up, but for now let’s clean your cut” he said taking me towards the bathroom and taking out the infirmary kit. He washed, cleaned and wrapped my cut up whilst all I did was stare at him in awe. It was after he finished dressing my wound, when I realised our proximity. I blushed remembering his hug and how he asked me if I was alright. I looked up at him, to see that he was looking at me with a heated gaze.

I don’t know how it happened, but his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer, before leaning close. I closed my eyes, my heart pounding, as we inched closer.  It was when our lips brushed against each other when someone called my name.


My eyes snapped open as I pushed Ryder away, my cheeks red from the blushing. I realised that Anna was calling me from her bedroom and was not in the same room. I looked back only to see Ryder was gone. It was when I felt the disappointment of the fact that I didn’t get to kiss Ryder when I realised, that I Tessa Jones like Ryder Woods.


A/N: Yay! I updated and that to early and not a month later! Hey guys I hope you like this chapter and Tessa's little confession there at the end. I'm so happy because I'm nearing the chapters that I really am looking forward to write. Big stuff up ahead guys! Be sure to look forward to romance and surprises because there'll be a lot of them. Anyway I actually wrote this yestarday but since I was soo tired I couldn't be asked so I am updating today! Read, vote and comment!

Stay out of jail my little serial killers!


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