Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

“Two weeks ago I went out with Sophie for some ice cream.” I stopped and took a breath, my nerves were on overdrive. I really didn’t want to re-live that experience again, but it wouldn’t do justice to our friendship if I didn’t tell her. I calmed myself, took a deep breath and started again.

“Two weeks ago I went out with Sophie for some ice cream, after we’d bought it we were coming home. We were walking, when out of nowhere a wolf appeared, it started growling at us” I stopped talking and took a quick look at her, searching for a reaction. She looked shocked and angry? “We started running. I was so scared Eva, I didn’t know what to do. I thought we were going to die”.

My heart started racing at the thought of those memories, horrors, nightmares. I looked over at Eva; she seemed stunned by my information. I guess she wasn’t expecting that. Her eyes connected with mine and with the look she was giving me, I think she wanted me to carry on talking. Easing my heart, and taking a deep breath, I carried on speaking again.

“We ran into the woods, the wolf hot on our heels. I had Sophie in my arms; she was just as scared as me. I could feel wolf breathing on my ankles. I actually thought we were going to make it out alive, but then I tripped over stick. For a while everything was silent, I felt safe. The wolf jumped out of the bush and crawled towards us, it looked like it was smirking. I felt so weak and pathetic but mostly scared, scared of what we were about to become.” My voice cracked towards the end. To even think about the events that occurred that night makes my bones shiver. Eva’s hands were clenched so tight, they were beginning to look white. She was shaking. While I was shaking in fear, she looked to be shaking in anger.

“How did you get way?” Her question was almost unheard amidst my loud, heavy breathing. 

“We didn’t. Just before the wolf was about to attack, another one came and attacked. It may sound silly and stupid, but that wolf protected us” Eva looked at me surprised but then a flash of realisation hit her. I looked at her confused and curious. She looked angry again.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier, Tessa? This is serious; you and Sophie could’ve died!” She all but shouted at me. I flinched away, but I wasn’t hurt. I knew she was angry because she was worried for my safety, but I couldn’t help but flinch from the loudness.

“I was scared Eva, I didn’t know what to do and was still suffering from the shock” I whispered, my eyes glassy from the unshed tears. Eva’s eyes softened.

“Tessa I’m sorry for snapping at you, it’s just this is a serious matter and you should’ve told me sooner. Just remember this Tessa do not ever go near the woods or in it. The woods carry secrets Tess and the deeper you go in the more you get tangled in them”


It had been four days since I last talked to Eva about this situation. Her words still haunt my mind. What did she mean when she said the woods carry secrets? What is she hiding? I sighed the more I thought about this, the more my head hurt. Everyone seems to be hiding something and no one seems normal.  I have got to stop watching Vampire Diaries; it’s getting to my head.

I reached my front porch; it was a Thursday so as expected Ryder would come. A giddy feeling settled in my stomach at the thought of Ryder. I don’t know why but I felt excited at the thought of him coming. As I approached my front door, I noticed an envelope on my doorstep. I picked it up feeling confused. In cursive handwriting my name was written on the front. I ripped the seal open carefully curious as to what was inside. A small piece of paper, that was folded in half was inside. I opened it up and began reading.

Her eyes are dead,

Her body is blue,

Be careful my dear Tessy,

Or the next may be you.

As I reached the end of the poem, my hands started shaking in fear. Someone was threatening me, but whom? I crumpled the note and stuck it in my back pocket. It must be some sick prank, but why would someone do this? And how did they know my name? I opened the door and walked in, my body still was shaking and my heart still was racing. It must be a prank, a sick prank, that some stupid children thought would be funny. Yeah, it must be that. I decided to brush it off as a cruel prank that someone wanted to play on me, but a part of felt that it was more than just a prank.

A couple of hour’s later; mind still disturbed by the note, Ryder came. We both were distant and noticed each other’s distress, but neither one of us commented on it. The atmosphere was awkward, why was it always awkward between us? We worked on our project, talking about Romeo and Juliet’s immortal and everlasting love didn’t help our situation. After working for an hour, we decided to take a break.  My mind felt hazy from all that thinking and working, and the fact that the note, dangerous or not, was still in my pocket, didn’t make me feel any better. I decided that I would talk to Ryder, hopefully that would ease some of our tension.

“So the weather, huh?” My attempt to make the awkwardness go, failed miserably as Ryder still looked tense. Our one-sided conversation was interrupted, when Sophie walked in. Her eyes lit up as soon as she saw Ryder. I had forgotten that she was here.

“Ryder!” She exclaimed happily and ran to Ryder. Ryder chuckled, a masculine chuckle, which made my heart accelerate. He shook her head and smiled at her.  

“It’s good to see you to, princess” Ryder crouched down so he was levelled with Sophie and they both began talking. I glared at Sophie, as started acting extra cute in front of Ryder. A pang of jealousy struck me when I saw the two happily talking to each other, ignoring my presence. I was shocked at the jealousy I was feeling, I couldn’t help it, it felt like an instinct. Seeing how Ryder talks to Sophie, makes me realise he’s never talked to me like that before. Was it weird that I was feeling jealous?

“Well, I better get going” Ryder said bringing me out of my train of thoughts. He got up and picked up his bag, Sophie and I walked him to the front door. A part of me didn’t want him to go; it was the irrational side of me because the other side would never feel like this.

“Do you have to go?” Sophie said, voicing my thoughts. She really liked Ryder, more than she ever liked any of my previous boyfriends. Wait. Where did that come from? Ryder is not my boyfriend nor do I expect him to be. Yeah, right! My mind interrupted my thoughts, wait how is that possible? I internally groaned, I barely know the guy and he’s messing with my mind.

“I’ll come back soon.” He said and looked at me. He gave me a wink and walked out the door. My heart stopped. Did he just wink at me? A blush blossomed on my cheeks as Sophie started squealing.

“Tess, he winked at you! Does that mean he’s your boyfriend?” Sophie’s question made me blush even more. I was so confused towards his gesture. What did it mean? I knew one thing though, ever since I have come to California, Ryder Woods always left me confused and intrigued.


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