Chapter Twenty Four

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 Without further ado I give you a new chapter!

Chapter Twenty Four

School was just around the corner and there still was no lead on Sophie. Whoever took her covered their tracks up well. Even though the rogues broke into my house, any scent they left was gone. As the days went on I started becoming more and more frustrated. It was an endless goose chase and it made me feel useless. Ryder, the pack and his parents have been trying their hardest to help, although some may not actually want to, they have to follow the alpha’s orders.

My mum didn’t call the police and only really talks to me when she has to. We agreed we’d tell everyone that Sophie was staying with one of my aunts. I know she’s worried, as am I, but we can’t find Sophie if we aren’t working together. It’s easier to blame someone; it channels the hurt into anger, making you feel less hurt. I understand my mother’s feelings because I feel the same. I blame myself too.

“Tess, you okay?” Eva’s concerned voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked at her and gave a determined smile. I can’t lose hope, not when I have so many people supporting me.

“Yeah just thinking, what were you saying again?” I asked, embarrassed for daydreaming while she was talking.  We were currently in the pack house, searching for some loose bits that the rogues failed to hide.

“Well I was saying that whoever took Sophie must’ve known her, or she must’ve trusted them because although the rogues broke in, there was another faint scent outside. It was very faint so the chance of finding someone with that scent is very low, but this tells us that the rogues only broke in to distract your mother, whilst they took Sophie.”

“But how do you know that Sophie knew them?” I wanted to know every little detail anyone found regarding Sophie.

“Whilst searching through your house that night, which I don’t feel like your mum appreciated, the front lock was unlocked, like you said it was. Your mum didn’t mention anything about leaving the house and I also found a faint trace of Sophie’s scent with the rogues. It’s most likely Sophie saw who it was and left the house without your mother knowing.”

“However, what’s confusing me is how they managed to take Sophie away, which brings me to the conclusion that she must’ve went to them.” Eva stated with a professional look. Sophie willingly went to the rogues? Which person would Sophie know who’s a wolf, a rogue to be exact?

“But it just doesn’t make sense. None of her friends could possibly be an ally of the rogues and none the teachers seemed shady. So who could she have possibly known who was a rogue that wanted to kidnap her?” Due to the new responsibilities in the pack I hardly had time to talk to Sophie but, I know that if she met a new friend she’d tell me, so why didn’t she?

“I guess we have to find that out. No one’s that cunning, somewhere somehow the rogues probably left a breadcrumb, and we just have to find it”


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