Chapter Fifteen

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  • Dedicated to To my lovely cousin whose birthday is today! Happy Birthday Rahma! :)

Chapter Fifteen

I looked like a slut.

Right now, I was in a changing room trying on dresses for the dance and only one word describes how I look. I looked like a slut. The satin material clung to my skin, making my chest look bigger. The dress stopped mid thigh with random specks of glitter. If I went to the dance looking like this, people may mistake me to be a prostitute. That’s how provocative the dress looked. I groaned and changed into my normal clothes, before getting out the room with a large scowl.

I came here with Summer and Eva and they have already found their dresses. Eva bought a gorgeous black, velvet dress. It was a chiffon style dress, so it was longer at the back and shorter at the front. It had a silver medallion where the in between the breast section. It was sexy and beautiful, something Eva could easily pull off.  Summer on the other hand went for a gentler approach. It was white with a nice flowery border. The dress was sweet and pretty matching Summer’s personality. I, however, am unlucky as I have had no luck whatsoever finding a decent dress.

“Still not having any luck finding the dress?” Summer mocked, earning a glare from me. I honestly didn’t care about school dances, but I felt like this one was different.

After trying on a dozen dresses, I found two that seemed nice. I tried both of them on and Summer and Eva opted for the first option. We happily paid for our dresses and walked out of the store. After buying shoes and accessories we were done shopping.

“I’m feeling kind of hungry, let’s go eat something” Summer suggested, and I was quite glad she did. Shopping should be illegal. I don’t know how long we were in that shop, but it was long enough to make me feel like I haven’t had anything to eat in days!

“Yes! Finally something worth shopping for!” I said and ran to the nearest cafe, hearing Eva and Summer laugh behind me. As I entered the cafe, a small bell rang. I ordered my food, sat down at a table, and had done all these things before Summer and Eva had entered. I’m a monster when I’m hungry; Sophie learnt that the hard way.

Summer and Eva entered the cafe and ordered their meals, before sitting down in front of me. Eva was texting away on her phone, which was pretty unusual since she never really texts anyone. I raised my eyebrow at Summer. Summer mouthed boyfriend and I immediately grinned. I really want to meet the guy who has managed to make my friend succumb to his charms.

“So Eva, who’re you texting?” Eva looked at me and I could swear I saw a faint blush on her cheeks. She put on her poker face.

“No one important.”

“Oh really because from what I can tell, it looks like your more interested in the phone than your friends.” Summer teased. Of course she didn’t mean it, but it’s not every day that Eva actually expresses an emotion.

“Laugh all you want now but when you guys get a boyfriend, we’ll see who will end up having the last laugh” Eva evilly said. We laughed at Eva’s comeback.

After our meals were served, we ate happily. I was certainly satisfied with my doughnut and hot chocolate. Not the most healthiest choice, but it was too good to resist. We were just talking about random things, people, periods and parties, when all of a sudden Eva’s face paled. I looked at her with worry, while sending a confused look to Summer, who had no clue what was going on either.

“Are you ok, Eva?” She stiffened; I don’t think she heard me. Eva abruptly stood up, Summer and I copying her.

“Let’s go” her voice was hard and cold. She started walking; Summer and I shared confused looks. I didn’t know what was happening, but I was starting to freak out. I was completely bewildered to what just happened. We picked up our bags, and all but ran out of the mall. My mind ad one million questions racing through it, but one stood out, what is going on?

We walked through the parking lot in silence, the tension was thick. Normally Summer would drive, but no one questioned Eva as she took the front seat. I was starting to get scared, as the car drove fast. I was pretty sure she was breaking whatever speed limit there was.

“Eva, where are we going? What is going on?” Summer broke the silence, speaking the questions I had in mind. However, we did not get a reply. I don’t think Eva was purposely ignoring us, she was thinking intensely. We could tell Eva’s distress, it explained why we left so quickly or the fast driving, yet we didn’t know why.

The minutes seemed like hours, before we halted in front of a big house. It was very pretty, and seemed expensive, but it still had a homely feel to it. Summer and I stepped out of the car, gawking at the beauty in front of us. We snapped out of our trance and followed Eva to the porch. As we waited for someone (I still don’t know whose house we were at) to open the door, Eva turned towards us.

“I’m sorry for rushing you guys out like that, but it had to be done. I know you’re confused, but don’t worry it will all be explained” she said seriously although I could see the hint of guilt in her eyes. We couldn’t reply as the door swung open revealing Anna.

“Hey guys!” She said happily. I was pretty sure my mouth was hung open. This beautiful, luxurious house belonged to none other than the Woods family. Anna and Eva looked at each other, they looked serious. Anna’s face went pale matching the one Eva wore in the cafe. Summer looked at me and I looked at her, why do I feel like we weren’t being told anything?

Anna turned to us with an apologetic face.

“Sorry.” Anna sheepishly said, but then her expression turned serious. Why does everyone in this town look so serious?

“Come on in.” she said while leading us into her house, we entered the living room, and sat down on. “There’s something you guys should know. It’s pretty serious.” Her expression made my heart stop, as I anxiously awaited the prolonged explanation.

“The mall was attacked and it was the same people who killed Stacy.”


A/N: Ok guys please don't kill me! I am actually ashamed of myself for procastinating for so long! I really hate myself. Um yeah this chapter is quite short but that is because of my fat lazy ass brain!! On to a better note, this is a cliffhanger! I am doing quite a lot of those lately. I am trying to redeem my lazy ways, so hopefully I will update soon.

Also shout out to my cousin whose birthday is today!! Happy 10th Birthday! :)

Stay out of jail my little serial killers!


P.S yes I have officially moved on from 'Peace, bananas and dark angels'. Tell me if you like the new on or not :)

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