Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

After the car ride Summer gave me, I spent most of my time doing homework, making dinner and just lounging around. The week went by in a blur and before I knew it, it was Friday. The alarm clock woke me up at exactly six am. I wanted to go to sleep. Sophie made me stay up with her all night so that we could play Uno. I know I should’ve had a firm hand, but it was Uno and who doesn’t love Uno? 

I got out of the bed; well actually I kind of slid out of bed, and got ready. After brushing my teeth, having a shower and getting dressed, I was wide awake by the time I finished. I wore a simple tank top and jean shorts and let my hair loose. It was a typical Californian day, hot. I went over to Sophie’s room, knowing exactly that she would be fast asleep. My theory was correct when I saw her snoring on her bed.

I walked over to her bed and yelled right in her ear.

“Sophie! Wake up!” I screeched into her ear making my voice high pitched and squeaky. She screamed and fell out the bed. I laughed and laughed until I was crying with laughter. She glared at me before stomping into the bathroom and slamming the door shut. She was not a morning person, at all. She’ll get over it, by the time she comes down to eat breakfast, she will most likely have forgotten the whole ‘incident’.

I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen. Cooking some pancakes topped with honey, I looked over at the clock. It was seven o’clock; I had an hour before I needed to get to school. Sophie walked in humming a song under her breath, and was looking like she was literally walking on sunshine. I laughed silently at the irony as she just happened to have started humming ‘I’m walking on sunshine’ by Katrina and the Waves. She sat down on one of the stools and ate her breakfast. I raised an eyebrow at her because of her peculiar behaviour.

“So why are you so happy this morning because the way I remember it, you weren’t so happy when I woke you up” I questioned Sophie while biting a piece of my toast. She blushed but then glared at me.

“I’m still angry but I’m just happy to go to school” She lied and I nearly burst out laughing. Sophie is probably the worst liar out there, that’s probably the only thing we have in common. I crossed my arms and gave her my look. That ‘look’ basically means I know you’re lying so spit the truth out before I make you. She sighed and I grinned knowing I had just won the battle.

“Fine I’ll tell you! There’s this boy in my class and I may have a teeny tiny crush on him.” She mumbled quietly and I smiled at how adorable she sounded. She blushed and looked at her hands. I was going to ask her his name but she beat me to it.

“His name is Cole and he is really funny, naughty too, but he doesn’t get into that much trouble! He always makes the teacher angry and makes the whole class laugh” She dreamily said but then frowned realising something. “He never talks to me though, I mean he sometimes says hi but that’s about it”

“Well have you ever said anything to him?” I asked and she shook her head. “Well there you go! Maybe you should start talking to him.” She grinned and I laughed at her expression.

“Thank you Tessy!” She jumped up and hugged me before eating her breakfast again, in a much happier mood. Is it a bit sad that my nine year, old baby sister is having more romance in her life than I ever did?

We ate our breakfast and left for school. A few conversations and an hour later, I was standing in front of my school. I entered the building smiling, but my smile was wiped off my face as I sensed the atmosphere. It felt like the day when Ryder had first come to school except there was dread and misery instead of hate and fear. I went to my locker, noting how everyone seemed mournful and some even frightened. For some reason, as I approached my locker, Summer looked sad and mournful. Her face was grim matching everyone else’s faces.

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