Chapter 31

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I sat in my room....the guys were in the living room watching football.
I don't really enjoy watching that.

I pondered awhile.
I could go on tour with Shawn, stay here and tour with Magcon, go back home to school, or record my own album in a few months.

Wow. I shouldn't be complaining...these are all good choices.
I'm leaning towards touring with Taylor and Shawn. It would be fun.

"Shawn?" I peeked out of my room.
"Could you come here for a sec?" I asked.
"Yeah." He got up and walked to my bedroom.
"What's up?" He grabbed both of my hands.
"I'll go on tour with you and Taylor." I smiled.

"Really?" He is eyes grew huge!
"Yeah. It'll be fun." I hugged him.
"Yay! I was worried that you wouldn't want to, but now I don't have to worry anymore." He planted a kiss on my forehead.
"When do we leave?" I looked up at him.
"Two weeks." He smirked.
I just hugged him tighter.

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