5:03 p.m

9.6K 360 35

"This is homework hotline! Here to help you with all your homework needs! Including: math, english, science, social studies and..."

"I need help on love."


"Yeah, love."

"Um...sorry sir that's not of the subjects we supply help on."

"But, I need help!! And I called!! Please?!"

"Look I'm sorry but, I really know nothing about love."

"Me neither. That's why I called."

"Why do you need help with it anyway?"

"There's this big dance coming up at my school and I have no one to take."

"Wow...that's dumb. Just go alone."

"Na that's lame."

"You're lame."

"I don't believe that's a good way to speak to your customers, miss."

"Well, I'm so not sorry."

"You're a very rude woman."

"Whatever, I said sorry earlier."

"Well, thanks for nothing!"

"You're very welcome!"

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