10:10 p.m

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Nancy stood in front of her closet, staring at all her dress options. She knew she needed to pick tonight so she'd be ready by the dance. But, she wanted to impress the boy who she loved and who had never seen her before.

Her go to dress was a purple strapless. It had a small, round neck line and a slit that went up to about the knee. Nancy wasn't sure if this dress would impress James or not. So, she continued to stare at her closet hoping that she be lead to the perfect dress.


James had laid out a black suit and a red bow tie. He retied the bow tie at least ten times and continued to adjust it has he headed to his car.

He hoped Nancy was ready because he was going to be early to go to pick her up. James had never been more nervous in his life. Who could blame him? He had never guessed he would had fallen in love with the homework hotline girl.

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