8:40 p.m

6.9K 293 59

"See? This is why no girls will go with you. I mean you first, asked me over the phone and second, I barely know you."

"So, if I asked a girl who I know really well and asked in person...I will get a date to the dance?"

"Yeah probably."

"Hmm okay."

"Good lover boy! You're learning!"

"Whatever nerd."

"James Bond can I ask you a serious question?"


"How old are you?"


"Okay good."

"How old are you?"


"Oh good."

"When's your birthday?"

"Valentines day."


"Yep, no joke."

"Haha mine is March 5th."

"Nice I'm older."

"What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?"

"Is this also a serious question?"

"Yep, if you answer wrong then I will never be able to talk to you again."

"For real?"



"Just tell me."

"Cake Batter...is my favorite."

"Okay good."

"So that was the right answer?"

"Yep it means you have depth.
If you had said like plain, boring something I would had been like bye."

"So a persons favorite ice cream flavor tells if that person has depth?"


"Wow, well you learn something new everyday."

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