10:35 p.m

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Nancy opened the front door to see the most handsome guy she'd ever seen. James rubbed his neck nervously and grinned. Nancy couldn't believe how gorgeous he was. She had high expectations and they had been surpassed.

James had a similar reaction. Nancy was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. James thought a nerd would be a cute girl sure, but hot and beautiful were not the words he was expecting to use.

"Wow just wow."

Nancy adjusted her lacy red dress and raised her eyebrows. "Good wow or bad wow?"

"Good wow, definitely good wow." James held out his hand and Nancy took it. Together they walked to James' car. Either of them could stop smiling.

James opened the car door for Nancy and then quickly went to the drivers side. "You forgot to mention how beautiful you are."

"You're not too bad your self ." Nancy blushed softly and smiled.

They were quiet on the way to the school. It was not a bad silence, but both were simply in deep thought about the other. Nancy was replying all of their calls in her head. She was so grateful for James. James on the other hand, was thinking about how he was going to be able to last one more second without kissing Nancy.

They arrived at the dance and felt the magic as soon as they walked in. The gym had been lit with fairy lights and soft colored led lights that made the dance floor glow. Couples glided all around like swans in fresh water.

"It's amazing." Nancy grinned and grabbed James' arm to pull him inside.

"Would you like to dance?" James chuckled.

"Yes of course."

The two of them danced. Their foreheads touched and their eyes met.

"You're all I need, Cutecumber. You're the girl I was meant to find."

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