7:36 p.m

7.6K 300 33

"Hey cutecumber!"

"I kind of like that nickname. It's cute."

"Aw you have a crush on me!"

"I literally don't know you. Why are you even calling?"

"I...need...homework help?"

"Wow that's just sad."

"Okay, okay I'm just lonely."

"Haha okay lover boy."

"Lover boy?"

"Yep, that's your nickname."

"Hmm I like it."

"Bummer I wanted you to hate it."


"I should probably hang up just in case a real customer calls."

"I am a real customer!"

"I bet you're like 80 and you're scamming me."

"Well, you'd be wrong."

"I mean I don't even know your name."

"My name? It's Bond, James Bond."


"What's your name?"

"My name? It's Nancy, Nancy Drew."

"That's just sad."

"Whatever loser."

"I thought my nickname was lover boy?"

"Shut up lover boy."

"Aw see, much better."

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