6:08 p.m

6.7K 299 16

"This is homework hotline! Here  to help you with all your homework needs! Including: math, english, science, social studies and..."

"Um yes I need help finding a cutecumber."

"I'm sorry sir if you're trying to find someone you'll  have to call the police not a homework help line."

"I already found her."

"Good for you!"

"Well I happen to be very smart, nerd."

"You made me say my whole opening tonight."

"Yeah sometimes I like to just listen to your voice."

"That's sweet, lover boy."

"I know I'm super sweet."

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Ouch! Maybe I'll just hang up cutecumber."

"What do you look like?"

"Umm I'm tall like 6'1 and I have huge muscles."

"Wow, so humble."

"I have dirty blonde hair."

"Are you sure it's not just blonde but dirty because you haven't washed it?"

"And green eyes."

"My eyes are blue."

"I love blue eyes."

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