The pages turned multiple times but one got me to stop and state with one eye screaming 'I'm sorry' and the other whispering 'it's my fault'
~"Mom, Dad we're to old for this!" Alex exclaimed to his parents and my mom and I silently nodded my head in agreement. "Okay sweethearts we won't force you." My mom said and we both muttered a 'good' under our breath. I could see the underlined hurt in their eyes but I ignored it "Bye!" we waved to our parents as we walked into school without physical contact. I occasionally caught him staring but as soon as I caught him he would blush and look away. Most of the whole day was a blur until I got home to find a crying mom and the place stripped bare. A hand covered my mouth. "He didn't. " I said rather than asked. Faintly I saw my mother wipe her tears before nodding. She got up to and walked over to me, she then extended her arms. "Don't touch me!" I exclained with tears in my eyes as I walked around my mother. I saw guilt flash in her eyes as if she was saying 'I didn't mean to make him leave' but I didn't even think it was her fault one bit. "Don't even look at something as selfish as me. If I would have just taken the damn photo he would still be here. It's my fault dad left!" I yelled as I ran up to my room. I heard my window open and I smelt pine and mint. I ran and collapsed into Alex's chest. "It's all my fault." repeatedly left my lips with tears streaming down my face. "It's not your fault there was nothing you could do. Your dad was just a douche and he and your mom were fighting." Alex said. He continued holding me and continued telling me it wasn't my fault until he was sure I believed it.~
A tear I didn't know was there dripped down onto the photo's plastic cover. "It's not your fault." Alex murmured before staring into my eyes and gently pressing his lips to mine.

First Day Memories
Short StoryOne million thougts One thousand feelings One hundred memories One person