Today is the first day of life at college with Alex. It was also the first day I haven't I haven't covered my freckles. We both got in his car and drove to the campus with our parents following us. We quickly arrived at the gates when our parents took out their cameras.
"Okay Lilly say yes!" My mother sung and I looked questionably at her. "What do you mean by that" I asked and she gave me her sinister look. It was the look she used when she knew something you didn't. Somewhere during the conversation Alex and slithered away without my realizing. I suddenly heard soft sweet music play and there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Alex in a suit and tie. Without a word he slipped a ring on my finger and held up the only photo I haven't seen of both of us. We were having a fake wedding with ring pops. Realization hit me and I looked at the ring he slipped on my finger. It was a real authentic engagement ring. Alex got down on one knee and looked directly into my eyes and he didn't look away this time. "Lilly Diamond Kade will you marry me, just like we did in the good old days?" He asked with his heart on his sleve and his eyes glistening with hope. A chocked 'yes' escaped my lips. "She said yes!" He announced to the crowd surrounding us. Cheers erupted from the crowd and alex kissed me passionately. Then I heard the sound of a camera click.

First Day Memories
Short StoryOne million thougts One thousand feelings One hundred memories One person