Goodbye. (Part 1)

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           This was it. I had to tell him. I couldn't keep it in anymore.


         It started in Times Square. Me and Jared were doing our usual Tuesday morning; getting coffee at our favorite coffee place. It was a tradition, something we had done every Tuesday for two years. We walked in; the warmth of the shop hitting us hard, as we had been walking around in the chilly New York weather for about twenty minutes; talking about life, the weird people on the side of the street and how every hotdog stand smelled like cat urine. His hand was wrapped around mine, sending chills throughout my body. The aroma of the coffee was somewhat soothing, but today I was more tense than ever. We got our coffee and sat down. I was quiet; staring at my hands wrapped around the mug, just hoping he'd say 'Whats wrong?' And I could get this over with. Of course, he did.

"Whats wrong, babe?" He asked, his gorgeous eyes staring into mine with concern. He grabbed my hands from across the table and held them in his.

"Nothing." I said, removing my hands from his.

"Well obviously something's wrong, so either tell me or i'll figure out myself." He said, giving me a smirk.

I remained quiet, not making eye contact.

"Babe. You're scaring me." He said, his eyes flashing with concern.

"You know that movie I was talking about? The one I was asked to star in with Zac Efron.." 

"Yes! I'm so excited for you-"

"They're filming it in France. The total time this movie is gonna take is estimated to be up to five years; they want me to live there for two so I understand the culture. I'm sorry Jared-" I started choking up.

"I'll go with you." He said, not making eye contact.

"Jared, your band is in the middle of a tour and the second suicide sqaud starts filming right after that. I-"

"We can make it work." He said, his voice level raising and still not making eye contact.

"Jared. Look at me. Please." I said, fully choking up.

"I can't believe this." His eyes met mine; there were tears in both of our eyes. He grabbed his coat and walked out.

"Jared, please!!" I said, walking after him as he continued walking down the street. He stopped and turned around.

"You know what" he said. "I should be happy for you" he said, letting out a dissapointed-sad laugh. "But, God, I can't." He finally looked me in the eyes. He stepped closer to me. "Because I love you too much." I was full on crying by this time. "Goodbye, (y/n)."

"Goodbye." I whispered as I watched him walk away.


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