"You're different."

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for jjjplz

srry it sucks

    It has been a year since me and Audrey had been living together. Don't get me wrong, certainly a year of ups and downs, but also one of the best years of my life; I love her. The first six months were easy going but the last six, she had been acting different. Dismissive. Aggravated by every tiny little thing. I had figured it was just with her career; being a mega famous superstar was exhausting; but it seemed like it's more than that.  As I stood staring at myself in the bathroom mirror thinking about all of this, it finally struck me;
She didn't love me anymore.
I sighed a deep breath and closed my eyes. I needed to find out the truth. Audrey was at her band rehearsal, but I knew it was pretty casual so I decided to call her.
"Hey babe!"
"Hi." She responded glumly.
"Listen, I know we haven't been out to dinner in a while, how about tonight? Malibu Farm at 7? I know it's your favorite."
"Um, I can't tonight. Practice is gonna take too lon-"
"Really? You've said the same thing for a few months now. Please?" I said; she sighed.
"Alright. See you tonight." She hung up. I was excited to see her tonight, but also scared out of my mind of the outcome.

My eyes filled with tears after I hung up. He didn't know.. He didn't know how bad I was feeling. How constantly anxious and stressed I had been; how alone and hopeless. I wiped my tears and headed back into the room, grabbing my guitar along the way. I was terrified for tonight. There was no way he was going to stay together with the sad girl. Too much work.

After practice was done. I hopped in my Jeep and drove over to the Pier, where Malibu Farm was. I parked and began to walk over. I noticed him leaning his elbows against the pier, staring out into the waves. God, he's so attractive. As soon as he noticed me, he walked over to me with a big smile.
"Hey babe." He said and leaned into kiss me as I dodged away. He just looked around, obviously annoyed as that had gone on for a long time now. I couldn't help it. "Shall we go for dinner?" He said reaching for my arm. I smiled a bit.

We were escorted to our table, as we both sat down with a thick layer of awkwardness between us.
"How was your day?" I asked, hoping to spark conversation.
"Okay." She said.
"Okay. What's wrong. I need to know." Her eyes flooded with tears immediately, as I quickly tensed up and gave her a confused look.
"Listen, Jared." She said with a shaky voice. "You know how much I love you. More than anything. Really." She said, so choked up she was almost down to a whisper. She gave a deep breath, tears still streaming down her face. Thank God we were in a private booth. Seeing her like this was torture to me and I couldn't imagine if the paparazzi got a hold of it. "Jared, I, um, I feel stressed. All the time. Really stressed. And anxious. So anxious I can't even move sometimes. And sad. I don't even know about what, I'm just, I don't know. And now.", she breathed in a big breath as though these next words were to make her implode; "I don't know if you will still love me." She broke down. I was in shock. My heart shattered. The love of my life really felt like this??
"Oh my God. Oh my God, Audrey; I'm so sorry. But, I love you more than I've loved anytning in this world- I don't think I ever could stop loving you. Why didn't you tell me any of this?"I went and moved to the seat beside her, as I was in front of her before. I grabbed her hands and put them in mine.
"Because-because I-I thought you would think I was a freak." She said.
"Oh, no, Audrey, shh." I grabbed her and just held her, rocking her back and forth as she cried into my shoulder. "Look at me." I said, gazing into her gorgeous eyes. "I love you. So much. I'm always here for you, no matter what. And sorry for you, that will never change." She let out a small chuckle. "I've missed that." I said, as we smiled at each other.

Nothing could ever beat that smile

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Nothing could ever beat that smile.

Jared Leto ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now