Chapter 3: A Repeat of the Past

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*Shane's P.O.V*

It was almost my 2nd week back at RidgeWay and I haven't ran into Carly or Sam once, thanks to Freddie. When I told him I was coming back he already knew what he had to do. While I was getting my books for the last few classes of the day out of my locker a note fell out. Please don't let that be a love note from Carly or Sam, please don't let that be a love note from Carly or Sam, please don't let that be a love note from Carly or Sam I thought. I picked it up and read it. It was just an address it seemed familler but I couldn't remember. When I fell down the elevator 4 years ago I lost some of my memory. I remember most things but it was just things like addresses and directions to places.

After school I went to go check it out. When I got there I noticed it was an apartment building but it still didn't ring a bell. When I got inside I noticed the lobby and I started to remember. "Oh I remember this place..............this is were Freddie lives" I said. Just then I saw it. An elevator. After I fell down the elevator I told myself I would never take the elevator again.

I looked back at the address. "Am I really going to walk up 5 flights of stairs just to avoid the elevator?" I looked up at the elevator and back at the note. "5 flights of stairs it is" When I got to the floor I found the apartment, and knocked  on the door. No one answered but I noticed the door was open a little so I just walked in. I knew Freddie wouldn't mind since it was his apartment. I looked around a little. At least I thought it was Freddie's apartment.Then it hit me, this wasn't Freddie's apartment this was-. Just then I herd the door close behind.

"Hello Shane" Carly said from behind. Oh crap I thought. I turned around to look at Carly I smiled then bolted for the door. I tried opening it but it was locked and the only was out was the elevator. Oh wait there's a back door I remember. I started running towards that door but Carly jumped on me and did a really good job at making me not be able to move. I still tried making it to the crawling. I realized it was no use so I did the next best thing.

"Help, help!" I yelled "Somebody, Carly get off of me"

"No" She told me.

"Why not this is very uncomfortable!" I exclaimed.

"Because if I get off of you you're going to run out, and I really just wanna talk to you" Carly said. It was quiet for a moment.

"Ok" I broke the quietness. "If I promise not to run out will you get off of me"

"You promise not to run out?" She asked.

"You promise to get off of me?" I asked.

"I promise" She told me.

"Same here" I agreed. Then Carly finally got off me and helped me up. "Well hello Carly. So what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Well I actually need your help with something" She said.

"Ok what is it?" I asked.

Ok well, remember that fake play I made up just so I could kiss you?" She asked me. I nodded. "Well apparently my drama teacher wants me to perform it and now I really need someone to practice it with"

"Carly I'm not falling for that again" I told her "sorry I have to go" I started making my way to the door.

"Shane please" She begged. I thought about it before looking back. She could either be trying to make a move again or really needs the grade. Even though she freaks me out a little I'm still a nice person.

"So is this the same play from 4 years ago?" I asked while looking back. "A Chance For Romance" I laughed.

"Oh my gosh you remember the title?" She smiled.

"How could I not" I laughed.

"Ok well here" She handed me the script. It was the same blue cover and design. "Page 9 you start" Here we go I thought

_Mabel you look so beautiful in the moonlight_

_Oh Bruno, thanks, you rock for saying that_

_Mabel I love you_

_I love you too, but our parents, they'll never let us be together_

_I know but still we have this moment, here, now_

_But what if someone should see us_

_Sh, sh, sh, you talk to much_

"Oh Shane remember when I said this was for school?" She asked breaking away from the script.

"Yeah" I said nervously.

"Well, I lied again" Carly said. She threw her script on the couch and leaned in to kiss me. I wanted to run out but my feet felt glued to the floor.

"Hey look!" Spencer exclaimed running through the door.

"What!" Carly yelled.

"Thank god" I mumbled.

"I-" Spencer started to say but I cut him off. I had a feeling I knew what he was going to say.

"You made toast by leaving bread out in the sun next to a mirror and some tin foil" I finished.

"How'd you know that" Spencer looked surprised.

"This same thing happened 4 years ago" I explained.

"Oh......" Spencer replied "What happened next?" I remembered what happened next and found my escape.

"I ran outside" I told him.

"Ok" Spencer replied "Well why don't we just-" before Spencer could finish his sentence I ran out the door.

*Back to 3rd person*

(Carly & Spencer)

"and he's gone" Spencer said. Leaving Carly and Spencer in the living room. "Want some mirror, sun, tin foil toast?"

"No!" Carly said.

"Oh what did I do now?" Spencer asked.

"You should know this all happened 4 years ago" Carly told him.

"So no on the toast?" He asked.

"No!" She answered.

"Fine your loss" Spencer said. He took a bite of toast and went back outside.

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