Chapter 6: Plan Set Up with Freddie/ Plan in action

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The next day after school Shane went right to Freddie's apartment. "Hey Shane" Freddie said when he saw Shane there.

"Hey look do you know when Carly gets back?" Shane asked. His voice sounded like he was in a rush.

"Um she shouldn't be back for another hour, why?" Freddie told him.

"Great cause I need your help" Shane said his voice back to normal and relaxed.

"With what?" Freddie asked.

"I need you to set up tiny cameras in the ICarly studio" Shane told him.

"Why do you need cameras?" Freddie was confused

"Well" Shane explained "Turns out after Carly's little plan she texted Dustin saying she wanted to break up. Then Dustin came up to me at school the other day and I could tell he was mad, so then I showed him the chocolate chip cameras, and we made a plan to catch Carly by setting up multiple chocolate chip cameras in the studio" Freddie sank all that in before he spoke.

"Shane let me ask you something, was Carly's plan that fake play?" Freddie asked.

"Yeah" Shane answered

"And you fell for it?" He asked.

"Sadly" Shane looked down.

"Ok but anyway, um cameras do you have them with you" Freddie changed the subject.

"Yep" Shane looked up from the ground and back at Freddie "right here in my bag"

"Alright let's go then" Freddie said. While Freddie helped Shane he started asking about the plan. "So how's this going to work?"

"Well I'll be up here with Carly and Dustin's going to be down stairs watching from my laptop, and like I told Dustin I'm 100% positive she'll try something on me" Shane explained. "Then when she does I'll give Dustin the signal and he'll catch Carly"

"Nice" Freddie said "and when did you guys plan this?"

"I had Dustin over yesterday and we talked" Shane said. After a few minutes Freddie was done setting up.

"Ok and there you go, all set" Freddie said.

"Awesome" Shane replied. "now all I have to do is call Dustin" Shane took his phone out of his pocket and called him. "Hey Dustin we're all set, are you in the lobby?"

"Um......not exactly" Dustin said.

"What?" Shane asked. "What do you mean not exactly?" 

"Well I was on my way" Dustin told him "but then I stopped to get a smoothie and T-Bo talked me into getting a bagel but I didn't know I had to wait a whole freakin hour! So now I'm stuck here" Shane herd Dustin say something to T-Bo.

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