Chapter 5: Plan Making

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At 5 later that day Dustin showed up at Shane's place. "Hey Shane" He said.

"Hey" Shane responded. Shane and Dustin went to his room.

"Wow this was not what I was expecting" Dustin said looking around at Shane's room.

"Let me guess you were expecting Star Wars stuff and trading cards?" Shane asked.

"" Dustin lied. Shane's room was nothing like that. It was like a normal teenage boy's bedroom with a spot for all of his AV Club stuff. "nice room"

"Thanks" Shane replied. "do you want anything to drink?"

"Do you have coke?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah" Shane told him. "Alright I'll be back, you can sit wherever but please do not, I repeat, not  touch my AV things" Shane walked out of his room leaving Dustin there. While Dustin was there he started looking around. Soon his eyes spotted a photo. He went to get a closer look at it. He noticed it was a picture of Carly, Sam, and some nerdy looking guy in the ICarly studio. He looked at the picture closer and realized the nerdy looking guy was Shane.

He looked at the picture and looked towards the kitchen. He didn't say anything but he had the same question in his head like a bunch of other teenage girls. How? How did a guy that looked like a nerd end up looking like a jock? "Dustin regular or diet?" Shane yelled from the kitchen.

"Um regular bro" Dustin yelled back not taking his eyes of the picture and still having the questions running through his head. Soon Shane came back with two cokes in his hands.

"Alright here's your-" Shane started to say but stopped when he saw Dustin's full attention on a photo. He walked over to him and looked at the photo. "that brings back some crazy memories" he smiled a little. Dustin jumped a little not noticing Shane there.

"Oh is that you, I didn't notice?" Dustin tried lying. Shane gave him a look. "'

"How what?" Shane asked.

"How-" Dustin stopped his question. He realized his question would make him sound like a teenage girl. "how did you end up on ICarly?"

"Freddie asked me to show something from AV Club" Shane told him."Coke?" Shane gave Dustin's coke to him.

"Oh thanks" Dustin replied taking it from him. "So chocolate chip camera, what does it do?"

"Oh right" Shane said remembering why Dustin was in his house. He went to his AV spot in his room and Dustin took a seat on his bed.

"This tiny camera" Shane told him as he took a seat in his desk chair and slid across his room so Dustin could have a better look. (The chair was on wheels) "see it's small like a chocolate chip, that's why you call it that. You can put it in a room you want and it can connect to my laptop so whatever the camera sees, we see and if you have more then one you can set them up in different parts of the room, or different parts of the house"

"That's perfect" Dustin said "So do we have a plan set?"

"Yep" Shane replied. "see I'll be in the room with Carly and I'm 100% positive she'll try something on me. While I'm in the room you'll be downstairs watching from the laptop. Then when Carly tries something I'll give you the signal, and you come up and catch Carly in the act. Any questions?"

"Yeah" Dustin said. "If I'm downstairs where are you and Carly going to be?"

"Oh we'll be in the ICarly studio" Shane told him "sorry I should have mentioned that"

"Ok and how are you going to get the cameras set up?" He asked.

"Leave it to me I have it under control" Shane assured him.

"And when will this take place?" Dustin asked.

"Well first I was thinking tomorrow after school but I have to see when Carly isn't in the studio so I can set the cameras up. I'll call you when to come up, but if I were you I would stay in the lobby" Shane said. 

"Sweet we have a plan" Dustin gave him a high five. Shane took a sip of his coke. "oh and Shane if your lying then-"

"Then what, you'll beat me up?" Shane asked. "dude I'm 6'2 and one time my friend hurt his hand by just playfully punching me in the arm, so if I were you I would pick my battles wisely, and not being mean just looking out for you" Dustin looked back at the photo of Shane years ago and back at the Shane in front of him. Still wondering that one question. How?

"Hey I think I hear my ride" Dustin replied "alright see you tomorrow man"

"See ya" Shane said as he watched Dustin leave.

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