Chapter 29

427 26 9

Taehyung's POV

White ceiling .....

Where am I?

I turned my head to the side and see a sleeping Jungkook sitting beside my bed, light snores coming out from him.

I blinked a few times to make sure that this wasn't a dream.

why are you here?

Didn't I push you away a few moments ago?

I looked at him carefully with a slight smile on my face.

"He's definitely a keeper. " I heard a familiar voice from across the room.

I turned my head towards the source of the voice and I saw Yoongi hyung standing by the door, leaning towards it, hand crossed.

"Hyung.... " I said in a quiet tone while looking down.

"Tae, it's been a long time, huh?" Yoongi hyung said with a forced smile.

"Yeah.." I said while scratching the back of my head.

"How you've been? Obviously not well, of course." he said with a little chuckle.

"Hahah.. I don't know myself until I suddenly collapsed.."  i said getting teary eyed a little.

He walked towards me slowly and gave me a brotherly hug that I have long experienced.

"I missed you..." he softly whispered in my ear.

I hugged him back and tightened my grip on his back. My face was buried in the crook of his neck and my eyes unconsciously let out the tears that i've been holding for God knows how long.

"Don't cry, you idiot.." he said while rubbing my back.

 I calmed down a little since I noticed Jungkook is still sleeping beside me. 

"I'm sorry...." I said to Yoongi hyung quietly.

"Don't be... I know that you had a hard time yourself and you were forced to do those horrible things. I'm the one who should be sorry.. because I let them do those things to you.." he said still hugging me with a tone of regret in his voice.

"Don't worry about me.I can take it." I said with a soft smile.

"Just tell me if things get worse. I'll help you as much I can." He said to me with a worried look.

"Okay, hyung." I said.

"I need to go." he lets go of the hug.


"Yeah.. I don't want them to abuse you again for talking to me." he answered.

"Take care, hyung.." I waved goodbye.

"You too, and also take good care of that little fella over there." He smiled while pointing at Jungkook.

I smiled back at him and he quickly exited the infirmary.

My attention turned back to Jungkook who is still unconscious at the chair beside my bed.

"I'm sorry for everything, Kookie...." I said softly as I caressed his pale white cheek.

Jungkook shifted a little in his sleep and let out a small groan. 

I missed touching him like this. 

I brushed his hair with my fingers and he began opening his eyes slowly.

"Tae...?" he said half asleep.

"Yeah, it's me..." i said softly while still brushing his hair.

Jungkook got up almost immediately and he stared at me with wide eyes.

Before I can say anything, he pulled me into a tight hug. He sobbed loudly, wetting my shoulder.

"Stupid!! stupid!!! Stupid hyung!!!" Jungkook cried louder.

I circled my arms around Jungkook's body and hold him tight.

"Why??? why did you leave me?? why are you ignoring me again?? why.. why...why.. are your body covered in bruises and scars??" he bombarded me with questions while crying.

"Slow down, Kookie..." I tried to calm him.

He let go of the hug and stared at me with a serious expression.

"I'm sorry......." I said with a regretful tone.

"You better be." he crossed his arms in his chest.

I smiled at his cuteness but then I suddenly remembered... that I have to keep my distance towards Jungkook.

"Jungkook... I think we can't be friends anymore..." I said while keeping ny head low.

"W-why?? why you too??? why do you and Yoongi hyung say that?? am I troubling you?" he teared up again.

"I.....I.. " I stuttered.

You're not troubling me...

In fact, you're actually saving me...

"Yes... you're nothing but an extra baggage that I don't need." I answered.

I'm sorry kookie... 

I must protect you....

Even if that means.. 

I have to push you away like this..

"Liar. " Jungkook said.

I looked up and turned my face towards Jungkook, confused.

"It's the truth." I said painfully.

"If that's true,  then why are you crying so hard, pabo? " Jungkook said while tears started to form again in his eyes.


I bring my hands up to my cheeks.

"Huh? W-why is it wet?? W-why am I crying?  T-that's weird.. ." my voice cracked.

"Tae..." Jungkook pulled me into a tight hug.

I cried so hard while burrying my face in the nape of his neck. My tears are wetting his shirt but Jungkook doesn't seem to mind. He soothes my back and whispered 'it's okay.. i've got you...'. The thing that I wanted to hear all this years.

"I'm sorry... i'm sorry.... i'm sorry...." i said repeatedly while crying.

Jungkook just hold me tight in his embrace and let me calm down after a few hours.

I pulled out from the hug and stare at the white floor blankly.

"So Tae... who did this to you?" Jungkook asked again.

"I-it... was...." I trembled but Jungkook suddenly hold my hand and urges me to continue talking.

After taking a very deep breath, I answered him.

"It was my parents."


A/n: SORRY FOR THE VERY LONG UPDATE GUYS!! 😢😢 it's been like three months... please forgive me!! I'll try to update another chapter today or tomorrow since it's the holidays and i can make it up to you guys~ BTW merry christmas!!!! Hope you guys have a BTSfull christmas this year :D

 please forgive me!! I'll try to update another chapter today or tomorrow since it's the holidays and i can make it up to you guys~ BTW merry christmas!!!! Hope you guys have a BTSfull christmas this year :D

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