Happy Birthday, Mr. Santana

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  Nala hummed under her breath and gave the salt shaker another shake before returning it to the shelf. Waller had let her cook for the inmates since Nala enjoyed cooking. Everyone said Waller had a soft spot for Nala and it was true. She did enjoy more benefits and since she was more of a ward of state rather than an inmate, she was given more free rein. Tonight was chili. This was something of a treat since one of the inmates was turning thirty-five today. It was this or taco soup and they were out of corn. Just as the oven beeped for the cornbread, Waller came in. "Hey, Wally! Just in time for some soup and cornbread!" Nala exclaimed. Waller smiled a little and took a bowl from the cupboard. 

  "Thanks." As Nala loaded up a tray with some soup, a cornbread muffin and some water, she nodded toward the tray and asked, "Who is the lucky person tonight?"  

  "Chato Santana! He turns thirty-five today! His cell looks so cold, I thought some chili might be nice to help warm him up!"

   Waller grinned. "You really don't know much about him, do you?"

   Nala shook her head. "Nope, but everyone deserves soup on their birthday!"

  Waller snorted and waved a hand."Better hurry before it gets cold." she said in a half mocking voice. Nala looked confused and headed out. 

  Chato sat in his cell, staring at the wall. The sound of a girl's voice broke him out of his reverie. The guard opened up his door and said, "Visitor. Be on your best behavior, Juan."  Chato stood up just as a small slightly heaver girl with chocolate brown hair and deep brown eyes came in with a tray. He frowned slightly. It had been a long time since he had last seen a female and he wasn't sure what was going on. 

  She held the tray out towards him and smiled. "Happy Birthday, Mr. Santana!" He stared at her unmoving. On the tray was a bowl of red slightly steaming soup with red beans and chunks of meat floating in it. It didn't look thin or gross but looked and smelled...delicious. Beside it on a paper plate was a yellow...cupcake? with a candle in it. The candle wasn't lit but it was clear that this was to take the place of a cake. On one corner was a package that looked lumpy and poorly wrapped but at the same time kind of homey in a way, like someone had spent time to wrap it even though it didn't turn out perfect. The other corner held a water glass. He finally looked at her and asked, "Why?"

  "It's your birthday, Silly!" She giggled, thrusting the tray towards him again. He gingerly took it and sat on his bed staring at the tray, not being able to comprehend the fact someone had remembered, let alone do anything about it. He looked up in time to see her dart around the door and come dashing back in, a yellow dandelion in hand. 

  "This will have to serve as the bouquet on the table." She smile and held it out. He took it from her and smile a little.

    "Thanks." He examind the little flower and finally put it down and looked up to see her smiling at him. She sat down in front of him and watched him expectantly.


  "Well, what?"

  "How is the food? It is fresh from the pot. I made it myself!"

  "I haven't tried it yet."

 "I know."

  He took a hesitant spoonful. Then another and another until he was gulping down the hot soup.  When he finished, he leaned back a little and sighed. "That was the best chili I have ever had."

  She grinned."Great!" then suddenly, her face fell. He felt a worried look cross his face. 

  "What happened?"

 "Wally said I couldn't light your candle."

  He smiled and said, "Look." He reached out with his pinky and lit the candle. She gasped and a look of total happiness crossed her face.

  "I was so worried you would think I was a cheepo because your candle wasn't lit! That was the classiest thing I have ever seen anyone do!"

  He smiled and blew it out. When he had finished the muffin, he turned to the package. He opened it slowly. Inside was a Letterman jacket. It was blue with the word "Diablo" neatly embroidered on the right side. He looked down at her and then at the jacket again then back to her.

  "I heard some of the guards call you 'Diablo.' I didn't know if you liked being called that or not, so if you don't like it, I can always rip out the writing and do something else.

  "It's beautiful." he smiled. "Did you make this?"

  "Yes. It was fun and it's warm, so you don't get cold. I didn't know you could make fire so..." her voice trailed off awkwardly. 

  He stood up and put it on. "I like it. Thank you." 

  She blushed and stood up. "You're welcome." and she was gone. ducking out the door, empty tray in hand, leaving behind the dandelion and the water glass. He smile and lay down again after setting the flower on the edge of his sink. He fell asleep with the jacket on his body, a smile on his face and an odd happiness he had not felt in a long time in his heart. 

  Haha!!! See what I did there!?!?!?!?!? The classy pinky and the jacket???

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