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"Wh-wh-wh-what?!" Spluttered Chato. He was actually blushing. Nala kissed him and smiled. His face suddenly softened. A second later, he was holding her tenderly and staring at her. "I'm a monster. I don't want to hurt you ever. But the more you are around me, the more I am afraid of hurting you. I know how you feel about me but this can't happen. If you love me, please, Nala, amor, just stay away. I already hurt someon-"
Nala's face had gone frozen. She looked stunned and hurt. Then she let out a scream. Ice shot from her hands so fast she knocked herself backwards into the opposite side of the helicarrier. She stood still with her hands over her mouth. She suddenly pointed her hands at the floor. Rick and Harley started screaming at her not to but she didn't listen and opened an enormous hole in the floor and dropped out. She was making her own slide as slid down. Well, it was more like surfing or skating. Behind her in her wake, the entire city was freezing.
Nala was swiftly disappearing and helicarrier was swiftly descending. The pilot wasn't able to keep it under control. It was clear they were going to crash. Suddenly in the distance, a building exploded in a shower of ice.
In the helicarrier, Digger was screaming in fear and clutching a pink stuffed unicorn. Harley was crying hard and screaming at Chato about how much of an jerk he was and how he didn't deserve someone like Nala. Rick was trying to trying to keep Harley from attacking Chato and Deadshot kept yelling,"Way to go, asshole! You just had to piss her off, didn't you?" Kantana was praying in Japanese and Killer Croc was nervously chomping on a piece of seat he had ripped off. Slipknot was rapidly tying and untying a piece of rope and then, suddenly, they crashed.

Hey sorry the update is so short I'm really busy right now so I'm trying to fit in as much as I can in the short time that I have. So thank you so much for bearing with me.

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