Lost and Found

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  Three floors down, a girl with pale skin and dark hair hung limply in a web of red chains. She was dressed in a white ceremonial dress with strange dark looking symbols embroidered in red around the edges of the sleeves and the neckline. Her feet were bare and bloody and her eyes were blue and swollen shut. It wouldn't have mattered if they weren't as she was so weak each breath was a challenge. Bruises stood out on her arms, neck, and face. Under the dress, her chest and stomach were turning shades of deep blue and purple were she had clearly had been beaten with a large blunt object. But though her body was broken possibly beyond repair, her mind was still strong enough to repeat one thought over and over: If she is concentrated on me, other people are safe. Just maybe I could be a hero...
  This train of thought was interrupted by a section of ceiling? giving way and a largeish body landing in the chains next to her. The body began cursing loudly and in a...distinctly Australian accent!!!! It had to be-
   Digger was bellowing in fear and anger. One time he tries to be the hero and this happens! And for who? For her of course! From the minute he saw Harley, he knew there was something special about her. And so he had decided to save her if she ever needed it since she was...well...her! Who knows? She might even like My Little Pony too! They could watch it together and maybe he could get her a pony too! After all, the Mista J bloke hadn't shown up yet. Maybe they were split up! Maybe she would see that she and Digger were simulare in a lot of ways! So when she had screamed, he dashed toward her, heedless of his squad's calls for him to come back. Then all hell broke loose and he was...here!
  Suddenly Digger felt Pinky slipping slightly in his jacket. A second later, she fell, bouncing off chains and disappearing into the dark abyss below him. "Pinky!!!" He screamed in grief and fear. Suddenly an ominous chanting filled the air and his eyes flicked involuntarily upwards. Above him, suspended in chains was a girl. Stringy dark hair covered her face and she hung limply as though all life had fled. Digger also became aware of something dripping onto his coat. As he twisted around trying to get a better view, the mystery substance dripped on his face:blood. At that moment, two chains became untangled as  the fall coupled with  Digger's wiggling helped them work free of each other. This caused the girl to drop head first right in front of his face. She was wrapped up like a fly in a spiderweb. Her hair fell towards the ground (where ever that was) and revealed her face: bruised eyes swollen shut, blood trickling from an obviously broken nose and from cracked bleeding swollen lips. Digger fainted.
  Fifty feet above, (also suspended in the chains) Harley dangled. She had seen Digger and his pony fall. When the girl's hair had fallen, she realized immediately who it was: Nala! Nala hung upside down and it was clear that if she wasn't dead already, she would soon would be. All at once, ice began crackling along Nala's body. Within seconds, the younger girl's entire body and the chains surrounding her were completely coated in ice. Above them, the chanting was echoing through the cathedral and Harley suddenly felt very very afraid.

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