Chapter 33

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A few hours pass as Blake and I sit and chat around the pond. I notice Blake seems a bit more uncomfortable than he usually does but I decide not to mention anything.
"What time is it?" He asks me.
"4:30," I reply. Blake looks me in the eyes,
"Do you want to do something else?"
"I'm happy here, do you?" I question.
"I'm not sure," he sighs. I walk over to him and put my arms around his neck from behind,
"Are you okay?"
He doesn't reply.
"Blake?" I say, confused. He pulls my arms tighter around his neck. Peering around his head I notice a tear has fallen from his eye. Without saying anything I sit down next to him and put my arms around him as he huddles into me.
"I'm so stupid," he whispers to himself.
"No you're not, I retaliate, "you're anything but stupid."
"Yes I am," he continues.
"What makes you say that?" I ask him.
"I still haven't told you," he sobs.
"Told me what?" I question. Blake takes a deep breath in,
"Why I go to therapy,"
Neither of us breathe a word.
"You must have wondered, you must have thought about it so many times!?"
"I didn't actually," I squeak.
"Never!?" He shouts.
"Blake," I speak calmly, "it doesn't matter to me. I've never wanted to force it out of you, ever. If you wanted me to know that badly you would have told me, you didn't tell me so therefore I didn't need to know. You should know you can tell me anything and I will never judge you on any of it, I will try as hard as I can to support you through everything. Sure, I've been curious but your happiness means more to me than my curiosity."
"I don't understand," Blake cries.
"Understand what?" I ask.
"How good you are to me, I've never understood it," he responds. We pull eachother closer until it feels like our insides are touching. My stomach develops the butterflies I had when I first saw him. I smile.
"Why are you smiling?" He grins, pulling our embrace apart.
"How did you know I was smiling?" I giggle.
"I'm telepathic," he jokes. We both start to laugh. I sigh,
"It's getting late." Standing up, I brush the grass off my legs then continue to pull Blake up.
"Should we head off?" Blake questions.
Without answering I put my arms around his neck and hug him hard,
"Are you okay now?" I ask.
"I think so," he replies.
"And do you want to tell me?" I continue.
"I have anxiety," he blurts out.
"Blake, there's nothing wrong with that," I reassure.
"I'm on meds for it but I didn't take it the other day, I knew we were going out on the night and you can't drink whilst taking them," he explains.
"I have anxiety too," I say whilst we walk, "and depression. The only meds I take are sleeping pills though."
"I used to have sleeping problems a few years back but it wasn't a big deal," Blake responds.
We continue to talk about our problems as we walk back home, it makes me feel so much better about myself.
"Did that help?" I ask when we arrive home.
"Yes, thank you for listening to me, Ashley," he smiles.
"Thank you for listening to me too, Blake," I grin. He puts his hands on my waist to pull me closer before kissing me, then hugging me tightly.
"Goodnight," I cheese, walking into my front door.
"Goodnight," Blake beams, walking into his front door. The doors close simultaneously as I smile to myself.

How you want to be treated - Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now