Chapter 4

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It's now Monday night, the first night in my new home in Houston. My house is quite big and I like it a lot. 12:30am and I get a text from Blake.

Blake: Hey... xx
Ash: Hello xx
Blake: I'm so happy you answered xx
Ash: I'm usually awake at this time, haha xx
Blake: do you live at number 22? xx
Ash: how do you know that? xx
Blake: oak drive? xx
Ash: Blake you're freaking me out! xx
Blake: come outside xx

I look out of my bedroom window and see Blake standing on my front lawn. He doesn't notice I'm there so I walk downstairs and quietly go outside.
"Hey," I smile.
"Hey," he says, shyly looking at the floor.
"Why are you here Blake?" I ask concerned.
"I just wanted to see you," he smiles, still looking at the floor. His gaze slowly moves upwards. "I know we've only met once before and we've only been texting for a week, but there's something about you that I just can't get out of my mind. I usually sleep quite good but thinking about you makes me have sleepless nights and I just don't know what it is."
I giggle, "for me it's the opposite, I suffer from insomnia and you're the only thing that's making me sleep right now."
Blake just stands there and looks at me. We both don't say anything and it's just silence, but not an awkward silence. He takes a small step closer to me and I can't help but smile.
"It's funny when you do that," he giggles. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a hug. The hug lasts for what seemed like forever, but when we pulled away it felt like I needed to be back in his arms. He leaned down and whispered in my ear:
"I think I love you, Ashley." My heart dropped, fluttered back to the top and started spinning around inside of me.
"I might just feel the same way, Blake," I reply grabbing his hands, "but we've only known each other properly for a week, so maybe we should take it slow?"
"I agree," he nods. I lean in and kiss him on the cheek,
"Goodnight Blake,"
"Goodnight Ashley," he smiles, "oh and by the way, my house is that one over there," he says pointing to the house next door to the one opposite mine. I giggle and walk back inside, waving at him before I close the door again. I run back up the stairs and into my bedroom.

Ash: look out of your window xx

Standing at my window I text him that, then I see a shadow appear, which then comes into focus as Blake. I wave at him before mouthing 'I love you' and shutting the curtains.

Blake: I love you too Ash xx

The next morning I wake up to that text, I fell asleep again. Since I have nothing else to do I go downstairs and chill with my mom for a couple of hours.
"Did you hear me get up last night mom?" I ask her.
"No, what time was it?" She questions.
"At 12:30 I got a text from Blake saying he was outside so I walked out and he was there, turns out he lives on 21 pine street," I smile.
"That's great!" She laughs.
A big smile spreads across my face,
"I know."
"Did you two do anything more than just talking when you went outside?" My mom said with a smirk on her face.
"No!" I shout, lightly pushing her.
Then I get a text from Blake.

Blake: get ready, I'm coming round in 30 minutes and we're going out, is that okay? xx

I show my mom the text and she nods,
"Go and get ready then!"

Ash: sure, I'll be ready xx

How you want to be treated - Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now