Matt, Do You Understand?

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Matt shifted uncomfortably as you started at him. The common room was completely empty, everyone had since gone to bed. You tugged on your robes, wondering how to approach the situation. How were you going to tell him that you were dating a Hufflepuff? How would he react? But, he had to understand. This was extremely important. You couldn't leave him for an entire 3 months without giving him an explanation.
"Are we just going to sit here or are you going to tell me why I'm sitting in the common room at 2 AM and not sleeping," Matt snapped, breaking the silence. You sucked in a breath, wringing your hands in your lap. He started at you, growing more and more annoyed.
"I have something extremely important to tell you." He rolled his eyes, as you cracked you knuckles. Come on (Y/N). Just tell him. He's eleven. Why are you so scared to tell him? Pull it together. Focus. Just tell him already. Don't be so pathetic.
"Yeah. I kind of figured that out, believe it or not. Would you just get on with it. I'm so tired and I don't really want to spend anymore time down here." You scowled. Didn't he understand how important this was.
"I'm not going home with you during Holiday. I know you'll be staying with Draco but I felt I should tell you before I disappeared for 3 months." His face went slack. That wasn't what he was expecting. His lip began to tremble. Guilt took over immediately.
"W-why not? Y-you're always h-home when I need y-you! W-where are you g-going. You're going t-to come b-back, r-right?" He stuttered. You closed your eyes and exhaled, trying to find the right words. How were you going to tell him this? Should you tell him the lie your mother had agreed to tell your father? No. He deserves the truth.
"I'll be staying the Holiday." You opened your eyes, peeking at his reaction. His mouth hung agape. When he finally processed what you had said, he jumped to his feet, rage pulsing through him.
"Your Boyfriend?! You're leaving me for your boyfriend?! I'm your damn brother! I need you! And you're leaving me for your boyfriend! This is unbelievable! I thought you said you'd be there for me when I needed you! Apparently I was wrong!" You glanced around the common room nervously.
"Please! Matt, please keep your voice down! Just calm down and let me explain! Please!" He scowled. The anger was still present on his features, but he sat down again. This is exactly what you had expected. You weren't so sure that is was a good idea to tell him about Cedric. You bit your fingernails, nervously. He tapped his foot impatiently.
"Well? Are you going to explain or not? What's his name?" Matt growled. Your stomach did summersaults. You took another sharp intake of air.
"Cedric Diggory." You turned away, ready for his reaction. He was on his feet again. Gasoline had been added to the fire. This wasn't going to go as well as you'd hoped. He paced back and forth, his temper rising with each passing second.
"Cedric Diggory? Diggory, as in the Hufflepuff Seeker? He's a Hufflepuff?" Matt's displeasure was extremely evident. You looked into his deep brown eyes and nodded. He scowl deepened. "And I thought it was bad that you were leaving me for your boyfriend. But you're leaving me for a Hufflepuff, who's also your boyfriend! How could you? What happened to the rules (Y/N)? What happened to Slytherin Pride." You scowled.
"The rules? Slytherin Pride? It's all a bunch of crap! I'm a Slytherin, but that doesn't mean I let the house I'm in affect who I can and can't be friends with. Cedric is my best friend. I love him, but you can't seem to understand that." Matt huffed.
"How are you getting away with this? How is Father even allowing this to take place?" You averted your eyes. If your father ever knew about your relationship with Cedric, he would beat you even worse than before. You and Cedric, both. Matt peered at you curiously. "He doesn't know, does he? You've been keeping this a secret?"
You let out an exasperated sigh, as you pulled out a piece of paper. It was the letter your father had sent you 3 days ago. You handed it to your little brother, cautiously. His expression softened the more he read. He was silent for a long time. "We haven't been dating that long. A total of 4 days, to be exact. But he's been my best friend since my first day. He's the only one who knows about what Father does to us. Matt, he really cares about me. He loves me. He's the only reason I've been able to get through Father's torture. And I'm only leaving so that I don't have to lose him and so I don't have to face Father's wrath. You know what he'll do if he finds out. I know you don't want me to leave, but I promise you'll be okay. You're staying with the Malfoy's over the Holiday. You'll be safe. I promise."
Matt shuffled his feet, staring at the ground, before he tackled you in a hug. His tears leaked onto your robe. You hushed him, stroking his black hair. "I'm so sorry (Y/N). I should've let you explain. I don't like the idea of you leaving or you dating a Hufflepuff, but if he makes you happy and keeps you safe, then I may be able to tolerate him." You grinned, hugging your baby brother tighter.
"So you won't tell Father? Or anyone for that matter? Matt, do you understand why I'm doing this?" He closed his eye, but nodded slowly. Cautiously.
"I understand. And I won't tell. Just promise that you'll be safe, I don't want anything to happen to you." You sighed as you kissed his forehead, pushing him towards the stairs, that led to the dormitories. He glanced back at you, expectantly.
"I promise. Nothing's going to happen. I'll be fine. I'll be with Cedric. But you have to promise me that you'll be safe." Tears glimmered in his eyes.
"I promise. Goodnight Sis. I love you," he muttered as he trudged up the stairs. You smiled and shook your head. I love you too. Even if you are a pain in the ass.

Too Shy To Tell You (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now