Fancy Seeing You Here

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The note had instructed you to report to the Professor Quirrell's classroom at 8 o'clock sharp. You ran down the hallway, already five minutes late. You could only imagine the hell you were about to endure. Detention with Snape was never fun. You climbed the stairs to the second floor and turned left, pushing open the door to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. You looked around. This was going to be the worst detention ever.
The room looked as if it had been ransacked. More than once. The desks were overturned. Chairs were flipped on their sides. Books littered the floor. A few of the windows had cracks running through them. The drapes were torn. But worst of all, an unidentifiable substance had been splattered all over the walls. And standing in the middle of the mess was none other than Professor Snape and Cedric Diggory. You groaned.
"It's nice of you to show up, Ms. Middlebrook. Even if you are ten minutes late. I suggest you learn to manage your time better," Snape drawled. You nodded, holding back the urge to sneer. Snape motioned you closer as he held up two plastic buckets, filled to the brim. "As you can see, the first years were a little careless today. Your job is to put Professor Quirrell's room back together for him. Without magic. And just to be sure you're following the rules, I'll be taking your wands." This time you couldn't help it. You sneered as you thrust your wand toward the dull-faced Professor. He strutted toward the door. Locking it behind him.
As soon as he was gone, you turned your attention towards the Hufflepuff and glowered. He grinned cheekily, but his fear was still evident. He laughed nervously. "Fancy seeing you here (Y/N/N)." You scoffed. You're not joking your way out of this one Diggory.
"Is it? Because if I remember correctly, it's your fault we're here," you snapped. Cedric cautiously moved away from you, backing into an upside down desk. You stepped closer to him, before thrusting your index finger into his chest. "If you weren't so careless we wouldn't be in these situations, now would we, Diggory?" Cedric flinched.
"Alright. I'm sorry (Y/N). You don't have to get so defensive," he shot back. His voice colder than normal. You didn't know what had gotten into you. You had been in love with Cedric since your first day, but now, you were pushing him away. You could feel tears clouding your vision. You turned away. No. He would not see you cry. Crying emitted weakness. You could not show weakness. You heard Cedric straighten, before he hugged you from behind. His lips hovered close to your ear, his breath hot on your neck, making you shiver. "Don't cry. Please. It breaks my heart to see my best friend cry. I'm sorry. I should have been more careful."
He thought this was his fault. You immediately felt the guilt. You had blamed him for so many things, that weren't really his fault. They were your's. You shook your head, the tears still burning your eyes. He turned you around to face him. Your words became muffled by his shirt. "It's not that, Ced."
"Then what is it? Please (Y/N/N). Don't shut me out. " You nuzzled your face father into his robes. His hand immediately shot up to your head, stroking your (H/C) locks. You took a deep breath, before finally releasing your thoughts.
"I don't know. I feel like I'm the most awful person. I was so excited to come back. To come home. To see my friends. To see everyone. But I can't seem to control any of my emotions. It's as all my positive emotions have gone. I can't seem to feel anything but anger. I can't control my temper. It's like I'm loosing it. And it's not fair to anyone. Especially you. I've been so terrible to you." He was quiet for a few minutes, but he didn't pull away.
               "You're not an awful person (Y/N). You're actually one of the most amazing people I know. This anger. It's not you. It's you breaking from all the hell you go through at home. You don't always have to be so strong. Let yourself breathe. I'm always here for you (Y/N/N)! I'm your best friend. You can come to me for anything." You gave him a weak smile.
               "Thank you. Really. I needed to hear that. I'm so sorry Ced. I can't even tell you how sorry I am." He grinned and kissed your forehead. You knew he was just trying to comfort you, but his kiss sent your heart tumbling. It's nothing (Y/N). It doesn't mean anything. You mentally slapped yourself.
               "Of course! Now we'd better get to work Middlebrook. Before Snape comes back and thinks of an even worse punishment." You sighed, and picked up a roll of paper towels.

Too Shy To Tell You (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now