Chapter 2

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Aphmau POV

"So let me get this straight... You was in your storage room in your charm for a year, training to transform into different animals and control water, Earth, fire and air?" Sky asks as he takes a seat down on the couch inside of Mitch's house.

"Exactly. I am also stronger fighting wise." I say to them, petting Lucy who is asleep on my lap. She has grown very quickly. Blue is sitting next to me, hugging my arm while Boomy is on his lap. He missed me and he hasn't let go but it's fine with me. It's kind of adorable.

"I'm just glad you didn't go with them. Never do that again by the way." Max says, giving me a slight glare. I just stick my tongue out at him.

"No promises." I stick my tongue out at him.

"Hey Jess, why are your eyes glowing violet?" Yellow asks, putting his face right in front of mine. I just turn my eyes a glowing yellow instead of the glowing violet. Since the clone I still up, my eyes are glowing with magic.

"My magic strengthen making it show when I'm using magic. I have the clone of myself still up until they figure it out." I explain before turning my eyes back.

"Turn it yellow again!" Yellow asks. I just shake my head.

"Maybe next time. Right now, I'm going to go and sleep. I haven't had any good sleep for a while. It was always day time in that dimension." I say before standing up, picking up Blue who fell asleep while hugging my arm. "Wake me up if you need me." I say before walking down the hall and into Blue's room, getting under the covers with him since he still hasn't let go. I close my eyes and let sleep overtake me.


As soon as Jess left, carrying Blue and Boomy, I turn to all of the recruits who are sitting down facing me.

"Right, so we need to make a plan of action. We need to keep Jess safe while we figure out a plan of attack. Ross, I need you to scout the ocean with your stealth and see if you can find out anything about their kingdom." I say.

"Yes sir." He says before walking out of the room.

"Jin, I need you and Barney to collect information on anything you can about squids at this moment. Strengths, weaknesses. Anything." They both nod before standing up and walking out. I chose Barney because him and Jin are a good team as they always use to collect information for anything. "Max and Katelyn. I need you both to guard Jess on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Yellow, Red and Pink can take care of her on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Blue will be with her always. I will take the duty on Sunday." I explain next. They all nod. Blue is probably the strongest out of the Vacktors even though he is always sad.

"Cory, Nick and Preston. I need you three to go out and gather as much information as you can. About squids or about Lady Thor." They nod before leaving. Cory use to be a thief before Jess and Nick caught him while he was trying to steal from them. Instead of reporting him like Nick wanted, Jess brought him back to the base and fed him. He became loyal to her ever since. Him and Nick then became good friends, Preston joining the group a while later. Preston was being hunted and was about to be murdered before Jess saved him.

"Mitch and Jerome, I need you to train everybody else while Ty and Ssundee go scout out an area for a new base." I finalise. Everybody nods before leaving. The Vacktors go to find Jess as its Tuesday. I stand up and go into my room, taking out sheets of paper to help me make a plan of attack.

Aphmau POV

I open my eyes to whispers coming towards the door. While training, I learned how to sleep with one eye open. Blue also opens his eyes after noticing that I have moved, still hugging my arm. I don't think he notices anymore.

"Why are you up? I'm too tired." Blue says, rubbing his right eye with his free hand.

"Sorry. I heard whispering outside of the door. Go back to sleep, I will be back in a minute." Blue nods before going back under the blue covers. He shares a room with Red. I get out of the bed and open the door to see Red, Yellow and Pink walking towards me. "Can you quieten down? I could hear you whispering from all the way down the hall. Me and Blue are trying to sleep." I say before shutting the door and going back under the covers. A few seconds later, Red comes into the room.

"Sorry guys. You just go to sleep, I'm going on my laptop." Red says before turning away from us and going on his Twitter. Of course. When he's not a YouTube sensation, he is on Twitter. As soon as I know that Blue is asleep, I turn to Red.

"So what did Adam say? You and the Vacktors are my bodyguards?" I ask him. He stops typing on Twitter before turning towards me on his chair.

"I guess I should tell you the truth then. Yes, me and the Vacktors are your body guards on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Blue is always your body guard. Max and Katelyn are your guards on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Sky is your guard on Sunday." I just sigh.

"Of course." I say before lying back down, facing Blue. I let myself fall back to sleep.

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