Chapter 34

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Aphmau POV

We both stand in front of each other, a sword in our stomachs.

"If I'm going down then you are coming down with me." Squidward smirks before letting his grip slip off of the sword. My sword disappears as the pain of the salt from the water enters my wound, making me hiss in pain.

"Jess!" The guys shout as they all swim towards me. I grab onto Barney before turning to the king of the squids.

"Unlike you, I have friends to take care of me." I smirk at him before teleporting me and Barney to one person who can help.

"Aphmau? Oh my Irene Aphmau!" Vylad shouts as he runs up to me. I smirk at him.

"Hey Vylad." I say. The last thing I remember is my vision turning black before my breath slows down.

Sky's POV

"Sky it has been one month since the fight." Jin says, walking up to me. I sigh, turning towards Jess who is hooked up to many machines in the Sky Army infirmary. Vylad walks in. Apparently he is a traveling doctor who helps people and only Jess knew about this.

"She is slowly healing but she did loose a lot of blood. We are lucky she is even alive." Vylad informs us. I just sigh, squeezing her hand one more time before standing up and switching positions with Jin who sits in my seat.

"Do you know when she will wake up?" I ask him. He just sighs.

"You ask me this everyday. The answer is the same every single time. She has to wake up by herself. I have done all I can." He informs me. I sigh before walking out of the infirmary room, going to my bedroom. I take a quick shower before falling asleep.

Aphmau POV

I open my eyes to see a White Castle. In front of it stands my mother, Irene.

"Mom!" I shout, running over to her and bringing her into a hug. She wraps her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"You have grown so much my little girl. Now you have one more job to do." She tells me, letting go. I step back, sending her a confused look.

"What are you talking about?" I ask. Suddenly, a bright orange glow shines next to my mother. It disappears to show the Phoenix goddess in her glory.

"You are in a coma right now. It has been one month since the war and your friends have all been at your bedside, worrying." The Phoenix goddess tells me, making me gasp.

"What do I have to do then?" I ask. Suddenly, both my mother and the goddess are holding an orb, one showing my friends back on earth and the other showing nothing but white.

"My girl, you have a choice. You can wake up and live with your friends peacefully or you could die and live with me." My mother tells me. They both hold the orbs in front of me.

"Half of the fanfics I read always have this moment in it. I know my answer." I say as I reach towards the Phoenix goddess and take the orb, picking it up and holding it at my chest. They both smile before hugging me.

"I knew you would choose them. They are your family. I guess this is the last time we will talk for a while." My mother says, letting me go. The Phoenix goddess slowly pulls me away from my mother.

"I love you mom." I say, holding my hand out towards her. She just stands there, smiling as I slowly fall back into the darkness.

I feel myself go back into my body. I know this because of the pain in my stomach.

"Hey Ross. Hey Max. Is it time to switch?" I hear Jin ask as the warmth from my hand disappears.

"Yeah. You go get some rest." I hear Max say.

"Sure. See you guys later." Jin says before I hear a door open and close.

"Ross give me back my necklace!" I hear Max shout as a weight jumps on my injured stomach. I'm guessing that's Ross in his squirrel form since it's light and doesn't really hurt.

"Ross!" Ross shouts as he jumps off of me, making Max fall on me. I had to contain a groan. I wanted to see where this goes. I open my eyes slightly to see Max chasing Ross with fire in his left hand. Ross jumps back onto the bed, Max's necklace in his mouth. I grab Ross before he can jump back off and I hold him in my arms, taking the necklace out of his mouth and placing it in Max's hand. He looks at me, frozen.

"Jess!" Max jumps on me and hugs me as Ross cuddles into my arms.

"Morning. How is everybody?" I ask, getting one of my arms around Max.

"Everybody was so worried about you." Ross informs me, turning back into a human.

"I realised that if I left, you guys would be so sad. I had a choice to stay with my mother or you. I chose to return." I say. Suddenly, the door opens an Vylad walks in.

"You are awake. That's good. Everybody refused to leave you alone so they always took shifts with you." He says, walking over with a clipboard and checking the heart monitor next to me before taking all of the needles out.

"When can I leave?" I ask. He checks his papers before smiling at me.

"Whenever you want." He tells me before walking over to me and gently moving the guys away from me before helping me stand up.

"I'm hungry. Can we go get some food?" I ask. The guys nod.

"It should be lunch time now so everybody is in the dining room. Let's go." Max and Ross walk on each side of me, making sure I don't fall over. In the end, I had to hold onto them both as we walked through the doors. Everybody turned to us.

"Jess!" Everybody shouted, running towards us. I smile at them.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" I ask. They all hug me, saying how happy they are to see me awake. Everyone crying, even me.

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