Chapter 6

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Aphmau POV

"Ross, wake up." I shake him, making him groan. He rolls over and opens his eyes, facing me and Travis who is looking at my hair, confused. Oh right, my hair has grown a lot since I have been in a different dimension for a year.

"Jess? What are you doing hear?" He mumbles, turning away to go back to sleep. Suddenly, he sits up and jumps on me. "Why are you here!? Max will burn you alive if you don't go back to the house!" This seemed to wake him up fully.

"I left a note. Anyway, this is more important. My mother came to me in my dream." I tell him.

"You mean Mrs Irene?" He turns his full attention to me, ignoring the confused Travis behind me.

"Yes. She told me to get my friend here and get you. She said you knew where her shrine is. We need to get there now!" I start to shake him. Suddenly, I hear a noise.

"What's going on?" I hear a little voice say. I look in the direction to see a baby squirrel with grey fur and a pink strip on her tail.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't notice that Ross had somebody sleeping with him. Hello. I am Jess and I'm a friend of Ross. What's your name?" I ask her, picking her up.

"It's Miku. Nice to meet you!" She says, jumping on my shoulder. I let her head before turning towards Travis since Ross went out to get ready.

"Since when have you been able to talk to squirrels? Also, why is your hair so long? Why do your eyes have a hint of gold in them?" He asks, giving me a look telling me that I shouldn't lie because he will know.

"I will explain later. For now, let's go and save the world." I say before dragging him out of the tent to see Ross all packed up.

"Follow me and let's go to the shrine. If you are correct then we don't have long until the shrine gets out of control." Ross says before using his stealth to run at a fast speed. I grab Travis and Miku before following him, holding Travis on my shoulder.

"Slow down! I can run myself!" Travis shouts.

"No you can't. Your abilities won't work as long as you are helping us. Right now, you are just a normal human being." I explain to him.

"Then why are yours working?" He asks.

"They don't. I've just trained to be this fast. My suit doesn't work anymore except for my electricity. Same with Cadenza and Alex. Hence why we haven't been in the link." Inexplain to him.

"We're here." Ross stops. I stop. Ext to him and place Travis on the ground to sort his hair out. As soon as he is done, I quickly introduce them to each other.

"Travis, this is Ross. Ross, this is Travis." I quickly say before stepping forward. "Now let's go." I walk into the shrine. The other two follow me.

"Ah! My skin!" I turn around to see Travis with grey skin and white horns. "I didn't know this would turn me into my demon form!" He says.

"At least I didn't turn into a squirrel." Ross says, taking Miku from my shoulder.

"At least I didn't turn into my other form." I stick my tongue out at both of them. I go to walk down the stairs but before I could, two statues start to attack me. They are made out of rock. I shoot water out of my mouth and at them, just like Quentin and his water gun. Soon, they turn red and disappear in a cloud of smoke.

"Don't walk down the stairs! When I tried I got shocked!" Ross. I just give him a look.

"I'm the daughter of Irene. It will open for me, idiot." I say before walking through the doorway of the staircase, holding onto the wrist of the two guys so they would be able to pass through with me. We all walk down the staircase.

"Stop!" I hear Ross say. We both stop. He takes a rock from his storage before throwing it down the hall. Suddenly, many traps go off at once, probably killing somebody if they were a normal human. They keep continuously going on. I see a lever at the end.

"Stay here." I say before turning into a fast ant and quickly running through the traps, dodging the arrows and the walls that keep closing together in a pattern. I turn back to a human before flipping the switch, turning off the traps.

"That was easy." I say as soon as the guys walk over.

"Well now it's going to get hard." Ross says as we find 6 different paths and a sign with writing on in a different language.

"I give me a minute and I will translate it." Travis says before hovering his hand over the tome, the book opening and floating just below his hand and flipping through pages. It stops at a page and he starts to translate the sign. "Choose one path. If you choose the wrong path then you will be trapped here for eternity. Only the divine warriors son can figure this out." He says. Suddenly, his book starts to flip through pages. It lands on a map.

"Well then. Lead the way mr divine descendant." I say. He just shakes his head, clearing his thoughts before going down the path on the far left. We follow him as he goes through all of the paths. Soon, we reach a room which looks like a puzzle. Travis goes over to the sign and starts to read it as me and Ross start to examine the contraption.

"Light up all of the lights at the same time to open the door." Travis says.

"This is gonna be a long day." I sigh. We spend about an hour on the machine, trying to complete it as we catch up with each other and start to make friends with each other.

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