Chapter 12

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Aphmau POV

Me and the guys walk into the main room to see everybody from the few in their suits. They all turn to look at us.

"Nice to see you guys. How is your holiday?" Sly asks. I give him a look.

"It was good. Why did you call us here?" I ask, putting my suit on.

"Yeah, sorry about that. This is really important though. Who are your friends?" He asks, just noticing my bodyguards.

"They are very good friends of mine. Don't worry, they won't spill any secrets. They know what will happen if they did." I explain to him as I walk over to my seat. Blue, Red and Ross follow me as the others go to their respected seats. Ross turns into a squirrel and sits on my desk while Blue and Red pull up chairs to either side of me.

"If you trust them then so do I. Just know that if anything escapes this room then you will take the punishment." Sly informs me but I don't flinch. I just nod.

"Let's get on with the meeting!" Kala shouts, getting impatient. Sly just sighs.

"The reason I have called you here is because I have been informed about a new evil in the world." At this, everybody gasps. "I was called by the beings that were thought to be instinct. The squids." At this, everybody who knows about the squid freezes.

"Wha-" before Red could start to talk back to Sly, I cover his mouth. He looks at me like I was crazy but I just tell him to shut up.

"As I was saying, the squids told us that there is an army that is working with Loki." Everybody but members of the sky army gasp. So much gasping, not enough rainbows. "They are called the Sky Army. They are a group of strong fighters who are trying to take over the world, killing the squids who tried to save this world." Sky says. This time, both Blue and Red had to stop me from bursting out, holding me down to the chair.

"But how do you know they are telling the truth?" Kala asks. Sly turns to her.

"I was given a video of the Sky Army killing the squids who were trying to stop them." He says. He then brings up a video. It was from years ago, of the leaders and the Vacktors. Blue, Red, Yellow, Pink and Green.

"Quick! Kill them! They are getting in the way!" Sky says as he is trying to fight through to the doors, water breathing potions strapped on his shoulder. So did everybody else.

"I got them! You just get the king before it's too late!" Red shouts as he slices a squid on half. Blue was assisting Pink by using his magics to make him faster and stronger.

"Let's go then Sky!" I shout as I kick the doors open, drinking another water breathing potion as I do.

"You have arrived. But you will never get what you want!" The King shouts as he stands up. We all get into a fighting stance, eating a budder Notch apple as we do. I turn into my Irene form.

"We will-"

It cuts off before starting again.

"We finally did it!" I start to jump up and cheer. The other leaders join me. This is when the most horrifying thing happens. I start to fade away.

"What's going on?" Sky asks, running up to me but when he tries to reach for me, his hand goes through me. "What? Jin! Quick! Help her." Jin runs up to me but it's too late. I only get one last sentence through.

"Never forget me because I will be back."

"The squid army was able to banish her far away from the team but they have found each other again. We need to stop the-" Sly looks at me. "What's wrong Jess?" I don't look at him though, I just watch the blank screen, not bothering to stop my tears since everybody has already noticed them. This is when I start to get mad, my hair lighting itself on fire.

"Squids are a bunch of liars! They tried to even lie to my friends! This has gone too far!" I shout. Red and Blue hold me down in my chair while Ross tries to calm me down in his human form.

"Don't worry about it Jess, we can explain to them. I think it would be best." He tells me, hugging me. I just sigh, leaning my face into his chest as my hair puts itself out. Red and Blue sit down, sighing.

"Explain what to us? What are you hiding?" Sly gives us a look. I sigh before standing up, walking over to where Sly is, making him sit back at his own desk.

"The squids aren't good, they are evil. Those leaders found out at a young age that the squids are evil and they set an army up. They figured out the squids plans to flood the earth and enslave humans. They made many new friends and grew up training together, until that one night." Ross walks up to me, giving me a side hug. "We went to the squid kingdom to rid the squids from this world once and for all. We succeeded, but that was when I started to fade. We didn't know what was happening. That was when I ended up on this very island with the rest of you guys, sad and alone." I finish my explanation.

"Wait... does that mean that you..." Katz drifts off.

"I am Jessica Aphmau, the angelic leader of the Sky Army." I start off.

"I am Ross, the stealth leader of the Sky Army. Nice to meet you." He waves.

"Can somebody please explain what is going on here? Who else knew about this?" Jose exclaims. Everybody who is part of the Sky Army, including Kala, stands behind me.

"You all knew about this?" Sly asks us. We all nod. "So the squid was lying? If so, then how did he know about Loki? He said the Sky Army was keeping him alive."

"He isn't alive but he isn't dead. He is is the depth of the squid base, being guarded until they can revive him." I explain.

"Why didn't you tell us any of this!?" Laurence speaks up.

"Because if I told you then who would protect the world? You would want to help this cause so you would leave the few just to do this. If you left then your suits wouldn't work and you can only fight with them on so you would have been in the way. We are all trained." I say firmly. Laurence sighs.

"I guess that's true... but what do we do now?" He asks.

"Easy. We go back to doing what we were doing before, you guys helping the people and us recruits will be killing squids." I say without hesitation. Sly has a thoughtful look on before sighing.

"That would be the easiest way. But if you need help, just call us and we will come." He says. I nod at him.

"I guess we will be going then. Are you coming Kala?" I ask her. She nods. "Until the next time we see each other." I take out my enchanted stick and teleport us to Mitch. He doesn't say anything. He just lies there, waiting for us to get off of him. Poor guy.

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