Chapter 7

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Aphmau POV

As soon as all of the lights are turned on, the two guys fall to the ground and sigh.

"Finally! That took forever." Travis complains. I just switch the lever and a new doorway opens.

"Let's go. We don't have all day." I give them a look.

"Why aren't you tired? We spent an hour on that!" Ross complains. I pick them both up by the back of their collars, making them both stand. Miku is asleep in my budder hoodie as she is just a baby.

"I have trained for a year in my dimension. I don't get tired easily." I simply say. Travis knows about the Sky Army after making us tell him. Now he knows everything. He is going to join us even though I warned him that his suit won't work. He just said that he trained without his speed.

"Let's go to the next room then!" Ross cheers before turning into a squirrel and jumping on my shoulder. I start to walk down the stairs with Travis following me, telling me which direction to go. Soon, we reach the next puzzle.

"Jump on the right squares and figure out the pattern." Travis tells me. I nod before turning to the tiled floor. I take a rock and throw it on the black tiles. Travis suddenly jumps back.

"Jess! Get away from that shadow!" He shouts. I give him a confused look before turning back to the puzzle to see nothing.

"Did you bring your charm?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

"I forgot it." He says. I grab another rock and throw it on the white tile. Travis covers his eyes.

"I can't see!" He shouts next.

"It's an illusion. That's the pattern. White is anything to do with light and life while the dark is to do with evil and darkness." I explain before I grab Travis' wrist and start to walk down the path with him following behind me. Soon, we make it over.

"It's safe now." Ross says, letting Travis know that he can open his eyes. He does.

"Well I feel stupid." He says. I just laugh before walking forward. Travis jogs up next to me and continues to lead the way. We reach the next room. How big is this place?

"I think this is a trivia." I say as I look at the wall with levers and signs.

"It is. I will read the question out." He says before walking over to the sign. "Did Irene have a daughter?" I flick the switch that says yes. It's in English. The iron door opens.

"Next." We walk through the next door.

"Who was Irene married to?" I flick Thor but the door doesn't open.

"What?" I stare at the door confused. Ross goes over and flicks the lever that says nobody. The door opens. "Well me and my mother are going to have a serious talk when I see her next..." I say before walking into the next room.

"Did Enki have a son or a daughter?" Travis flicks both switches and the door opens.

"You have a sister?" I ask. He shrugs.

"I think so. We were separated when we were younger. All I know is that her name is Shelby and that she likes wearing a paper crown." He says. Me and Ross stop walking and stare at him.

"Well that was unexpected." I simply say. "We know a Shelby who wears a paper crown." Travis turns to me.

"You do? Where is she!" Travis shouts.

"She's back at the Sky army's base." Ross says. That's when I get a thought.

"Does this make you both cousins?" I ask Ross. He nods his head.

"Wait does that mean we are related?" Travis asks. Ross nods his head before smiling.

"Welcome to the family!" Ross hugs Travis.

"Family reunion!" I say. They both burst out laughing before we continue on with the questions.

"How many questions have you answered?" Travis says, reading the last question. I flick three levers, making the number 107. The door opens.

"We did it!" We walk down to the main room of the shrine to see an evil red light growing from the centre of the room. I turn into my Irene form before slowly walking over to it. As soon as I reach it, I put my hands out towards it and concentrate all of my light energy onto it. I start to feel weak but I can also feel the dark energy start to weaken so I send most of my power at it. The power suddenly stops and I fall to the ground. The gem that was under the light turns from black to lilac and floats into my hands.

"Good job my child. Now use this gem to dispel any of Loki's spells and find the squid kingdom and save the world." I hear my mother say in my head.

"Mom, please don't leave me." I say as I hug the gem closer to my chest as I feel a tear drop down my cheek and onto the floor.

"I am sorry my child but my time is running out. Stay safe and please save the world. For me." Is the last thing I hear before the gem absorbs itself into me. I just lie on the ground with an arm over my eyes and cry as my Irene form starts to disappear. So does Travis' demon form. We turn back into our normal human forms.

"Let's get you back to the camp Jess." Ross says, trying not to upset me even more as he picks me up. He holds onto Travis and teleports us all back to the tent. Miku cuddles up to my cheek, trying to stop the tears. "Let's go to sleep. We can talk in the morning once everybody has had a good rest." Ross says before placing me in his sleeping bag. I fall asleep.

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