Ch.15 - Traveling and Room mates

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Tobin's pov

I wake up and I look down and see y/n peacefully sleeping in my arms. Her mouth is partly open and she has a few loose strands of hair across her face and the sun is shining on her face giving her a heavenly glow.

I reach over and grab my phone and take a picture. I kiss her forehead then I move down and kiss her nose and I feel her stir I move down one last time and I kiss her lips and I feel her kiss back. I pull back and I see she's staring at me.

"Morning beautiful" I say kissing her once more

"That's the best way to wake up" she said smiling

"As much as I want to lay here with you in my arms all day we have to pack so we can catch out flight" I said and she pouts and I kiss it away.

I get up and pull her up with me I grab my suitcase and start packing. After 15 minutes I finished and I see Y/n still packing so I help her we finish within 5 minutes and we grab our suitcases and head downstairs.

We see Kling made breakfast and we grab a plate and eat after we finish and we put our stuff in the car and I got in the drivers seat and started the car. Y/n and Kling got in and I drove to the airport.

We find the rest of the team and sit with them. Coach gathers our attention and goes over the rooming situation.

"And lastly Tobin and Y/n" he says and I smile and look at Y/n and she looks at me and smiles back. A few minutes later I hear them call our flight we board the plane and I sit in between   Y/n and Allie.

I chat with Allie for most of the flight and I feel Y/n lay her head on my shoulder and I turn and see that she's asleep. I kiss her head and I turn back to Allie who's smirking.

"So are you two a thing?" She asked

"Officially no but it's kind of like a budding romance I do plan on asking her to be my girlfriend soon though" I said smiling and Allie nods

"You two are good for each other"

"Thanks Allie I think so too".

Hey guys! Here's an update for you all. So how was your guys day. Mine was going good until I got to school and the fire alarm was going off because the school was on fire😕 I honestly shouldn't be surprised anymore something is always happening at my school 😂. But anyways as always don't forget to comment and vote!

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