Ch.31 - Lazy day

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A/N: 23k?!? You guys are amazing thanks for all the reads!

Y/n's pov

I wake up and I noticed that Tobin was gone so I look around but I see a note to the bedside table.

Hey babe,

Kel was making a lot of noise this morning looking for some food so I got dressed and we went to go get breakfast be back in a bit. Love you.


I smile at the note and I set it down and get out of bed. I take a shower and get ready then I walk out into the living room to see the other girls up.

"Morning" I say and they all look at me and smile. I sit down next to Alex since Julie and Christen are spread out on the other couch.

"Hey how's your cheek?" She's asks and I shrug.

"It's okay it doesn't really hurt anymore. I just wish you and Toby didn't beat the guy to a pulp" I mumbled and she looked at me.

"Well Tobin did it because your her girlfriend and I did it because your like a little sister to the rest of us your the baby on the team we all gotta protect you" she said and I chuckled a little

"Yeah but, I am an adult I can handle myself" I said and she just laughed. Soon after our conversation Tobin and Kelley came back with some food and coffee. I give Tobin a kiss "thanks babe" .

We eat and talk about what we want to do today and we decided to have a lazy day because it's cold outside.

"We need snacks if we're having a day inside also more movies because we've all practically watched everything on Netflix already. " Kelley said and agreed so Alex, Julie and I decided to go to the store, Tobin wanted to go but she didn't want Kelley to destroy our house so she stayed.

We get to the store and I turn to Alex and Julie.

"Alright Julie you get drinks, Alex you get movies that you think are cool and I'll get snacks" I said and the nodded. I make my way into the snack isle and grab a whole bunch of junk food and I put them in my basket and I move down to the candy isle and grab a few things.

"Well, well, well look who it is" I heard a deep voice from behind me and I turn around and freeze as I see the man that was the pizza delivery guy the only difference is that he has a black eye and a busted lip.

"Look why don't you just leave now unless you want to get beaten up again I suggest you leave" I said and he smiles

"Well I don't see your friends around so what are you going to do?" He said coming closer but I grab the bag of trail mix and smack him across the face with it and start running.

"GET BACK HERE!" He yelled but I just kept running looking for Julie or Alex. I see Julie so I run to her and she looks at me weirdly then she sees the guy behind me and her eyes widen.

"What's he doing here?" She says grabbing her basket tightly.

"I don't know I was just getting our stuff and he came out of nowhere, I slapped him with my bag of trail mix to get away" I said and she laughed a little. The guy came up to us and glared at me.

"We are not finished here" he said and took a step closer to us and I pushed Julie behind me.

"Don't make me slap you again dude just walk away and leave me and my friends alone" I said

"And what if I don't" he spat

"Then I'll call the cops like I should've done last night" I said and his eyes widen a little bit but he doesn't move.

"I don't believe you" he said smirking

"Then believe me when I say you have three second to get out of here before I stick my foot up your ass" I hear a voice rasp out and I look to see Alex standing there with her eyes looking similar to yesterday's.

The guy turns around and glares at Alex then he turns to face me and walks past and bumps shoulders with me mumbling a "whatever" as he goes.

"Well now that that's over with" Alex smiles and her eyes go back to her usual energetic blueish green color. Weird.

"For the record I totally had that covered" I said to her and she laughed

"Sure you did"

"I really did earlier before I found Julie I slapped him with my bag of trail mix" I said holding up the trail mix and she chuckled.

"Come on let's go pay and get home" she said and I nodded. We pay for the stuff and get home to find the living room transformed into one giant blanket/pillow fort. We pass out the snacks while Alex puts a movie one and we see that it's finding dory and we all groan.

"Really Alex" we all say

"What?" She asks innocently

"Are all the movies you got like this one?" I asked and she smirks "your fired from picking movies from now on" I said and everyone laughs. By the end of the day all the snacks were gone and all the movies watched.

"I liked Moana the best" I said and Christen nodded

"I liked Sing" Kelley said and Julie agreed

"I liked Finding Dory" Alex said and we all looked at Tobin to find that she was asleep. Typical Toby. We all laugh and I nudge Tobin and she wakes up asking "what happened" and we laugh again

"You fell asleep" I said and she smiles

"Oops didn't mean too" she said and I roll my eyes. We say goodnight to everyone and head to bed. I climb in and she gets in behind me and puts her arms around me and lays my head on her chest so I can hear her heart beat and I close my eyes.

"Goodnight Toby I love you"

"Night Y/n I love you too"

Hey guys! Here's another update for you hope you like it. I can't believe this story has 23k when I first started it I didn't think that anyone would like it but you all proved me wrong thanks for all the support! As always don't forget to comment and vote!

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