Leo X Reader

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I am typing this on my computer so I don't know how to change the font. Anyway enjoy!

"Harder!" (Don't think dirty smol beans) Leo commanded. "Faster! Stronger!" Leo exclaimed to you. You sighed as you tried to do a new kata (I tricked you didn't I lmao) you were learning. It was your first day and Leo was seriously getting on your nerves. You did the high kick again and Leo groans. "(Y/N)," he started off. You internally groaned because you knew this was the beginning of a lecture. "You need to take training more seriously." He said seriously. You stared at him, anger coming off of you in waves. "'Take training more seriously?'" You repeated dangerously quiet. You saw Leo nod. You may have a crush on Leo but that doesn't mean he gets to say anything that isn't true about you. "I am taking training serious Leonardo.'' you started off. "This is my first day in training," you gestured around the dojo with your arms. "And you are acting if I have been training my whole life. How am I suppose to master everything on my first day?" You asked and glared at him. 

He just stared back at you and didn't answer. With a huff you answered "Exactly." You were about to walk out of the dojo when you felt arms wrap around your waist. You looked at Leo startled seeing that it was his arms around your waist. "(Y/N)," he began quietly. "I am sorry, I just am worried about you. I don't want the Shredder or the Kraang to take you away from me." You felt him hug tighter. You smiled lightly and looked down at the turtle teen. "Leo, I am sorry I got mad at you. I don't want to leave you either. I love you." You used your hands to cover your mouth in shock. Did you just admit that? You blush madly and see Leo shocked expression. You remove his arms from your waist and hold back tears. You start walking quickly toward the dojo exit. You had to get out of there. Why would Leo like you like that anyway? Leo grabbed your arm and your tried to pull your arm out of his grip as the tears threatened to spill. He just tightened his grip and pulled your arm so you couldn't leave the dojo. You covered your face with your free hand and the tears spilled down your face. 

Leo let go of your arm and you put your other hand on your face, covering it up more. You sob quietly in the quiet dojo. All of a sudden you feel a three fingered hand pull your hand away from your face. You look away in shame but Leo uses his hand to make you face him. Your (e/c) eyes glistened. The blue banded turtle looks you in the eyes as tears are still rolling down your face. He pull you into a hug and you rest your head on his plastron. You still are crying and he rubs his hand on your back. After awhile you are calmed down, but still in the hug. "(Y/f/n) (Y/l/n) I love you too. I love the way your eyes shine like diamonds. I love your smile, that is so bright it puts the sun to shame. I love the way you laugh. I love to see you happy, but most importantly I love you." You look up and your eyes and Leos lock. You stare into each others for what feels like an eternity. He leans in and you do too. You close your eyes and feels a soft pair of lips pressed against yours. You smile into the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist. You both break away from the kiss and smile at each other. You both keep hugging and starting swaying side to side slowly. You close your eyes and just relax. This day will always be your favorite. 

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