Chapter 3 Nightmares and Distant memeories of an old friend

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  In the morning Tohru woke up to Casi screaming in her sleep. "Akito.....Akito i'm sorry.... please forgive me i love you Akito......please forgive me....." "Tohru was still half asleep,but Casi's screames had woke up Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure so they knocked on the door. "Come in." Tohru yawned than realized Casi was probably not dressed. Shigure opened the door, walked in and looked around. "Akito's wasn't here was he?" "No."  For once Yuki was fully awake during the morning. "Are you, and Casi okay Tohru?" Yuki asked. "Were fine." " Casi wake up." Kyo gentally shook Casi. "Casi gripped her arm.


   "Im sorry if I woke all of you up I just was thinking, about Akito he's like a father to me and I feel that he is really misunderstood and could use lots of help in making the right descision." "Also, my arm started to hurt so I was probably really loud. "It's saturday today so you can just relax." Shigure comented. "Yea its kinda strange why did you start school on a Friday?" Kyo questioned. Casi sat up and everyone looked away. "It's okay i'm decent i woke up a few hours ago and got dressed." Casi explained. After breakfast their was a knock at the door. " Shigure went and opened the door. "I'm here." Ayame anounced. 

"Oh so is this my hurt little kitty friend." Casi held in her rage but it showed. "He's gona get if if he makes Casi made." Kyo whispered to Yuki. "Ayame why don't you tell Casi a story." Shigure suggested. (The story is the only story told by Ayame in the tv series it would be to hard for me to write it out.) After, Ayame finished the story Casi slapped Ayame. "I tried to like you but you just a idiotic, indecent, snake and that will never change. "Gomina sai (I'm sorry) Tohru." Casi bumped Tohru into Ayame so he transformed than she ran over Kyo and hugged him.

(Casi transformed into a cat) Casi began chasing Ayame she was almost out the door when Yuki picked her up and set her on his lap. "This is not the type of thing you do right now anyway, you should focus on your health right now okay." Yuki said as he pet Casi. Casi felt like she had melted on his lap, and she began to purr. Casi's eyes were gentle and she got up. "Okay Yuki later." Casi limped up the stairs.  15 minutes later Ayame came back in the house. "Sorry, to keep you waiting." Ayame said as he returned into the house.

  Soon after Casi Casi put a brace on her arm and  ran downstairs and bumped Tohru back into Ayame, than ran and hugged Yuki. This time when she chased Ayame she tried to stomp him into the ground. Casi chased Ayame until she transformed back  into a person. Ayame still a snake glanced at Casi. "It's okay im decent." Casi told Ayame. Afterwards Ayame grew a fear of Casi. After he left Kyo asked Casi a question. "Why don't you want Hatori to check on you?" The time to tell them  one of her secrets was now.

    Casi began to remince about the past pain and happiness with a expression of frozen horror. "I was once friends with Hatori than the tables turned because Akito thought we were becoming to close so he used me to erase Hatori's memory. That night i cried until i had no tears left in me and the area around my eyes red as blood. Than whenever Hatori saw me Akito said "It's a peasent girl begging for money" than i would be thrown out of the house. One day after being kicked out of the house Hatori came out and hugged me saying "I'll take care of you." But when he hugged me I transformed into a cat. Than he istantly got away from me and stared in horror. "Your a cat, but your not one of us you couldn't be.."

"Who are you?" "Casi....Casi Soma." After that Hatori was in so much shock that he erased his own memory of me. Sometimes i missed Hatori but, it was best that he forgot me. After having his memory erased twice Akito tould Hatori every time he saw me "She's my new housekeeper. I don't know what Hatori would think if he saw me now. Would he remember the good times? The pain and sorrow, or just think of me as a housekeeper Hatori was like a father to me." Casi finished her story. 

    Tohru began to cry, and Casi went up and hugged her. "I'm fine Tohru i can fight i'm strong you shouldn't worry about me, my past, or what is to come." Casi said comfortingly. Kyo wondered how such a fierce girl could be so compassionate. "Casi, i think you should see Hatori again." Shigure suggested. Tohru began to lose herself in her emotions she was so mad that she transformed into a red cat. Shigure began to laugh" you really are weak Casi."  Casi ran to Shigure and bit him. "Ow....I thought Casi was kinder when she is weak." Shigure wined. Yuki manage to pry Casi off. "Why did you do that Casi?" Yuki asked.

"Its none of your business Baka (Idiot) rat." These words stung the usually calm Yuki. "You have no say baka necko." Casi scratched Yuki with her right paw, but stoped because her cast broke and her left leg started to bleed. "I'll fight you even with this broken arm you baka rat." Casi threatened.  Yuki calmed down. "I'm sorry Casi but were going to have to call Hatori." Yuki responded. "Go ahead let me ruin his life just like Akito ruined mine." "Casi, are you okay?" Tohru asked. "No, im not even though my arm is healing its still broken, and.......... Is that snow? Casi became calm and turned white.  "Yea , what difference does it make?" Kyo answered. "I love the snow, it is like a clean slate waiting to be written on by fun and laughter."  "Casi are you okay, you've changed colors?" "Oh yes im fine i change colors depending on my mood." 

         Casi took a nap afterwards, and while asleep Hatori arrived. "So who is my patient?" "She's in Tohru's room." They walked upstairs and Casi immediatly woke up. "Who is she?" Hatori asked. "Casi S......" Kyo covered Tohru's mouth. "Casi Sugura" Kyo interrupted. "Why is she her she could find out about it?" Hatori asked. "I already know, and Hatori im not Casi Sugura im Casi Soma." "Soma? I recognize you alittle, but just your appearance." "Anyway what is the problem." "The cast on my left arm broke." Hatori examined Casi's arm. "How did you break it?" " I got..... i mean i fell off of the roof." "Okay, well other than that your perfectly healthy so..." Hatori put a new cast on Casi than left. "He didn't remember you." Tohru said confused.

"Thats because i made him forget, i also let him remember alittle about me, thus is the power of the unicorn." Kyo started to look uncomfterable. "Don't worry Kyo i won't do that to you it was just a precaution, i don't want to hurt Hatori anymore." "Besides do you really have that important of memories, the answer to that is yes everyone does, but i can only change memories of the closed hearted usually." "Your just as weird as the Yankee and the Psycic." "Kyo, i just don't..... don't want to hurt anyone anymore." Casi said as she cried. "Don't take it so hard Casi, if it makes any difference im so....sor.....sorry. "Kyo that means alot to me before coming here i've never really had any friends." Casi said as she stopped crying. Sunday seemed to go by so quickly that Casi almost thought Monday was Sunday.

Fruits Basket; Casi a distant relativeWhere stories live. Discover now