Chapter 3- Fuck and Forget

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(*SURPRISE!!!! Here's an update for you because I know that a lot of you have to go back to school and I don't until Wednesday so hopefully this will get you through. :P*)

"Why the hell do you care?" David moves himself away from me and steps into Austin's view.

"Um, last I checked I wasn't talking to you." Austin sneers at David. He takes a few steps towards me and David steps closer to me and grabs my arm. Austin rolls his eyes. "Chill out. I'm not going to touch her." He looks me up and down and smirks, then shakes his head and looks at me again with a straight face. "Now, I think I asked you a question."

"Fine, here's your damn answer." I sigh angrily and glare at him. "Why would I sit with you? You treated me like shit all through sophomore year." I step towards him and poke his chest. "You are the reason that I am the way I am!"

"You mean sexy?" He runs his hands up and down my sides and bites his lip. 

I slap his hands away from him and step back to David. "No, insecure."

Austin steps towards me, closer this time. His hot breath hits my ear as he runs his hands up and down my sides again. "Why are you insecure? You're sooo sexy." I'd be lying if I didn't admit that the way he said that made me feel weak. But I quickly snap myself out of those thoughts and remember that he's just trying to drag me into his tricks so that he can drag me into his bed then leave me like it never happened. I step back to David, who is standing there with the biggest glare on his face you could imagine. But that doesn't phase Austin. He steps even closer. "C'mon. Come back to my table."

Unsure of how to get him to leave me alone, I do the first thing that comes to my mind. "No thanks," I say as I wrap my arm around David's waist. "I don't think my boyfriend would like that."

David wraps his arm around my waist in return. "Yeah," he adds," and I'd really appreciate it if you'd keep your hands off my girlfriend."

Austin smirks and shakes his head. "I don't believe you."

"Oh?" David says. He turns me to face him, cups my face, and presses his lips to mine. I kiss back, only to make it look real. David is the one to pull back first. I turn back to face Austin and David grabs my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine. "How about now?"

Austin's eyes go wide and he suddenly looks almost.. Upset.

"Do you honestly think that I would save some random girl in the hallway? Have I ever been known to do something like that? C'mon Austin. We've known about eachother for years, and you should know that I never do stuff like that. So, if you would get the hell away from me and my girlfriend," he puts extra emphasis on 'girlfriend', "we'd like to enjoy our lunch together."

Austin chuckles. "Whatever. I wouldn't want a skank like you anyway." He turns on his heels and walks away. Then, without warning, he turns his head back to me, winks, and continues to walk away, not looking back again.

"God I hate him," David mumbles under his breath.

I unwrap my fingers from David's. "I'm sorry for making you do that. I just couldn't think of anything else." 

David shrugs and sticks his hands in his pocket. He smiles at me. "It was no big deal. I'm sorry you have to deal with that asshole."

I chuckle and shrug. "I guess that's highschool for you. I just don't understand his sudden interest in me. He always hated me. What changed?"

"I don't know. Austin does what he wants. He always has."

"Wait, how do you know Austin?"

"I don't want to talk about it.. Sorry." 

I smile at him. "It's okay. I was just curious."I look around then back at him. "How much time do we have left?"

David looks at his watch. "Like 15 minutes." 

"Wanna go back in the cafeteria?"

"Sure! But, you know we have to look like we're dating.. If you want Austin to stay away from you."

I put my hand against my forehead and mentally slap myself. "Dammit, I'm so sorry David."

"It's okay. I don't mind." He takes my hand away from my face and intertwines our fingers again. I grab my bag and he grabs his. "Now, let's get Austin to stay the hell away from you."

~*Austin's P.O.V.*~

"I hate him so much." I mutter as I sit back down at my table.

"Who?" Robert asks me with his mouth full. 

"David. I hate him."

"Why? You two usually stay out of eachother's way."

"He's dating Katie Lyons."


I shrug. "I don't know, bro! There's just something about her that I like. And I want to find out what it is. But I can't if she's fucking taken. Why that guy? If it was anyone else, I could steal her away without a problem."

Zach snorts. "Bullshit Austin. You just want to get in her pants."

I smirk. "Maybe that's what I like." I pause to think for a second, then curse myself under my breath. That's obviously what it is. She's so fine, who wouldn't want to get with her? I laugh at myself. "Yeah! That's what it is. And I'm gonna make it happen." 

"Yeahhh Austin!" Robert and Zach yell at the same time.

I look up and see her and David walking back to their table, hand in hand, fingers intertwined. She's laughing at something he said and he's looking at her with a smile on his face. I can tell by the way he looks at her that they have something strong. Something I won't be able to break easily. Suddenly I feel anger building up inside me. I storm out of the cafteria and go outside to my car. I get in and start to drive away. I don't need to be at school. It's only the first day, we're just doing stupid stuff anyway. 

Why am I so pissed off at this? Maybe I don't want to just get in her pants. No, I do. I don't catch feelings. Fuck and Forget. That's my motto. 

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