Chapter 9- I'll Help You Make It Normal

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This chapter is dedicated to cecemahonex for her comment that made me smile! :)



Austin sighs. "I want you to be protected."

I cross my arms over my chest and look out the windshield. "I can take care of myself."

Austin scoffs. "You obviously can't, Katie. Don't be so stubborn. Just let me take care of you."

"Can you just take me home? Please?"

"Yeah. But I want to eat something first."


"I didn't ask you."

I roll my eyes and just watch the road in front of me. Austin turns the radio back on and begins to drive. What the hell is with his damn mood swings? One second, he's asking me to be his girlfriend, practically begging me to let him take care of me, and the next he's a sarcastic asshole. I don't understand him. Should I say yes? I mean, I know that I'm physically attracted to him. But, he was so mean to me. He made me feel so terrible. I hated myself because of him. There are scars on my body because of him. But, he seems different now. Well, different around me. It's like he's a nicer person when he's around me. Which I don't understand. And another thing I don't understand is, why me? He doesn't ever go for girls like me. He likes the sluts that throw themselves at him, or the "bad" girls. Ones that ride motorcycles and shit like that. I don't know. I guess that's what he meant earilier. About not knowing what he likes about me so much. I'm not his "type".

"Where do you want to go?" Austin's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Oh.. Um, I don't really care."

Austin shrugs. "Okay then." 

He pulls into Del Taco and I scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"Oh god, anywhere but here." 

Austin laughs. "Yeah, you don't care." He puts his car in reverse and gets back on the road. 

"Do you actually like Del Taco?" I giggle, sitting up a little straighter. 

"Fuck no. I was just seeing if you really didn't care." He laughs and winks at me.

It's moments like these where I feel like I could like him as more than just a friend. He seems like the type of boy that would be a really good boyfriend, but then again I don't know. He's with a different girl pretty much every week. Sometimes more often than that. But, that could have changed. I mean, I haven't been at school, so how would I know? 

"Well, besides Del Taco, I really don't care where we eat." 


After some more driving, Austin pulls into a place called La Salsa Grill. 

"Is this good?" He turns to me. 

"Yeah, I've never been here before." 

Austin hops out of his seat and I do the same. He locks it and opens the door for me. I smile at him and he winks. We sit down and a lady brings out two menus and chips and salsa. I munch on that and look over my menu. Austin orders me a water, probably since I never got my water bottle at the club, and a soda for himself. When the lady comes back with our drinks, Austin orders a burrito for himself.

"And for you?" She turns to me.

I shake my head and hand her my menu. "I'm good, thanks."

"Get her the same thing I ordered," Austin jumps in. 

She nods, scribbles something down on her paper, takes our menus and scurries away.

"Austin, really I'm fine."

"I know you're fine. You're real fine." 

I roll my eyes at him. "I mean I'm not hungry."

"Liar. I heard your stomach growling in the car."

"How the hell did you hear that?"

"HA! I didn't, but now I know that you're actually hungry." I giggle at him and he chuckles. 

We're carrying on a random conversation about absolutely nothing, when the door swings open and in walks Jake, Jordan, and David? Why the hell is David with them? And more importantly, why are they even here? All 3 walk over to our table and I feel my body tense up. 

"Hey there babe, why don't-" Jake starts.

"Get the fuck away from her, Jake." Austin interrupts him.

"Can you just stay out of this?"

"Can you just get a fucking life? God damn, find something better to do with yourself. Why don't you and Jordan go fuck each other or something?"

"Nah, that's why we have Katie here." Jordan brushes his finger over my shoulder. He tries to do it swiftly but the cast on his arm is preventing him from doing so.

"Am I going to have to kick your ass again Jordan?" Austin cracks his knuckles and stands up. "Don't. Touch. Her." Austin pauses between each word and shoves Jake and Jordan back. He turns to David. "And as for you, just get out of here. Being with these dumbfucks isn't going to win Katie back. It just makes you look like an ass."

"I don't want her back. I want her in my bed." 

Austin punches David right in the eye. I gasp and run out the door. I slide myself down the brick wall and sit down. I wrap my arms around my knees and bury my face into my chest. Tears start to pour down my face as I sit there out in the cold. I close my eyes and take in deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. The cool breeze outside sends shivers all up and down my body. I hear a car door open and shut, then feel a jacket being placed around me. An arm drapes itself around my shoulder and I flinch immediately.

"Katie it's just me." Austin's voice calms me down a little. I look up and see blood running down from his nose.

I gasp and take his face in my hands. "Are you okay?"

Austin chuckles like that's the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard. "You should see them."

I let out a faint "Oh" and remove my hands from him. He wipes the blood from his nose and just looks at me. 

"Why can't things be normal?" I groan.

Austin shrugs. "Things are never normal. Normal is boring."

"Yeah. But I mean, why can't I just go back to the way I was? Quiet and invisible. I want things to be back to normal."

Austin tightens his grip around me and pulls me into his side. I sigh and just shake my head slightly. 

"What's wrong?" Austin rests his chin on the top of my head. 

I shrug. "I don't know, everything. My life."

"I'll help you make it normal," Austin whispers.

I feel a small smile appear on my face.


"Yes what?"

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend Austin."

(*Not my best chapter but ya know. Vote!! Comment!! DO BOTH!! :P
But seriously, comment and the next chapter could be dedicated to you! 20 votes until my next chapter :) *)

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