Chapter 7- Yeah, and I Like It

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~*Austin's P.O.V.*~

It's been a month since Katie's been in school, a week since I got out of jail, and not even a full day that Jordan has been out of the hospital. I know for a fact that Katie didn't move, because whenever I drive by her house her curtains change between open and closed. This girl has fucked me up. I don't even know her but there's something about her that makes me go crazy. Which kind of sucks because one, she highy dislikes me, and two, it's making me go soft. Austin Mahone will not go soft. Especially because of a girl. There is no way in hell that something like that will happen.

"Hey bro," Zach greets me as I sit down with him and the guys at our normal table. I simply nod my head.

I guess it's also a good thing that Katie hasn't been here though. With her not being here I can focus on getting back to being what everyone knows me to be. I want people to know that they can't fuck with me. Although, not going to lie, going to jail definitely helped. Raping an innocent girl is low, no matter who you are. 

Alex, Zach, and Robert all continue to eat and talk about stuff, but my focus is mainly on a girl across the lunch room. Her body is a work of art, and I want it. Without even thinking about it, I get up from my seat and work my way over to this hot girl. She turns around right as I make my way two feet in front of her and she smirks. I smirk back and wink at her. She turns back around, says something to her friends, and starts to walk over to me. 

"Like what you see?" She says cockily as she gets to me.

I shrug. "Maybe. Maybe not."

"Well," she steps closer to me, "I think you do."

I grip her waist and pull her close to me. She doesn't react with anything but another smirk. I take in a breath to say something, when someone passes by the cafeteria door catching my eye. I look to see better who it was and the girl brings my face back to hers.

"Make a move," she whispers.

I let go of her waist and step back. "Nah, I'm good actually." And I run out of the room to go see who it was. 

~*Katie's P.O.V.*~

I slowly make my way past the cafteteria, keeping my head down. Everyone in the school knows that I was raped now. And that's not something that I can handle easily. That's why I went on independent study. Once a month now, I come to drop off work and pick new stuff up. It's not really hard, as far as work goes. I'm way smarter than I look, so it's nothing to worry about. And, on the rare occasion that I don't know something, there's always Google or Layla. That's right, through it all, Layla is still here for me. Honestly, I'm pretty sure that without her I would be dead. Things have been hard at home ever since I went to that damn party. It's not fair, I just need things to well, not. 

"GoodMorning miss Lyons," the secratary greets me as I get to her office.


"Have your work with you, dear?" I nod my head. "Well, great." She holds out her hands to take my work and I hand it to her. I mimick her movements as she hands me my new work. "Alright, we'll see you in a month. Remember you can call if you have any questions. And there's always private turtoring sessions."

"I'm fine," I spit, annoyed.

"I'm just trying to help you, dear. With your situation, I know that-"

"You don't know anything. Stop trying to help me. If I wanted your damn help I would ask." I spin around on my heels and begin to walk out of the office when I turn around and say, "And don't call me 'dear'. I'm not an old lady." 

I walk back out of the office and put my hood back on, not wanting anyone to see me. I may have had a bold moment back in the office, but that was with an adult who can't say anything to make me feel bad if she wants to keep her job. In front of my peers? No. Fuck that. I'm not that brave. I mentally sigh and think back to the days when I was invisible. I should have taken advantage of those days, because being well known isn't fun. Maybe if I was known for something else it would be, but I'm not. What happened, happened. And I can't change that.

I look up and see someone making their way towards me, and fast. I try to move out of the way but I'm not fast enough. They ram into me, making me fall on my butt and them practically on top of me. 

"Ow.." I groan as the body gets off of me.

"Will you fucking watch where- Katie?" Turns out the body is Austin. He puts a hand down and pulls me up. "I'm sorry."

"Whatever," I say and start to move past him. 

"Hey wait up!" He calls behind me. I stop right where I am but don't turn around. "Damn girl, you're a fast walker." He says as he catches up to me.

"Only when I'm trying to get away from someone," I mumble, but loud enough for him to hear me. 

"Why would you want to get away from me? What did I ever do to you?"

"You made my life awful, Austin! You bullied me everyday until I finally kept away from everyone! And even then, whenever you saw me, you just had to say something to make my day even worse that it already was." I sigh. "So the question is, what did ever do to you?"

Austin looks down at the ground and then back up at me. "I'm sorry. I really am. Let me make it up to you?"

"What? How?"

"Let me take you out."


"C'mon Katie. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've ever said or done. Please, just let me try and make it up to you."

I sigh and nod my head slightly. "Okay, fine."

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7?"

"Yeah, sure." I turn back around and make it halfway out the door when I remember. I go back to Austin, who is still standing there, and wrap my arms around his neck. 

"What are you doing?" He says, but still hugs back.

"I know what you did to Jordan," I whisper. "Thank you." I pull my arms off of him and he does the same. But, for some reason, I kiss his cheek. 

Immediately feeling my cheeks heat up, I put my hood back onto my head and run out the door. Why did I do that? Did I just do that?

~*Austin's P.O.V.*~

I walk back into the cafeteria with the biggest smile on my face. I sit back down at the table and just continue to smile.

"Why are you so happy?" Alex asks.

"I got a date with Katie Lyons tomorrow." I leave the part where she kissed my cheek out, because I feel like if I told them that they would all laugh at me or something.

"Ooooh get some Austin!"

I feel anger suddenly burst inside of me. "Are you fucking serious right now?"

"Woah, what's your problem?" Robert puts his hands up defensively.

"She got fucking raped a month ago. Why would I try to get into her pants? She's obviously not fucking ready for that. Have some god damn respect, bro."

"You're different." Zach grumbles. 


"You're different. She's making you different."

I stand up from the table. "Yeah, and I like it."

Okay, so first I just want to say sorry for any mistakes. I don't have time to go through and edit tonight, so you're just going to have to try and make sense of it and stuff. Also, I'm not going to delete my Wattpad. I love writing too much and I love the positive feedback I get from you guys. And I'm sorry for lack of updating, but I don't have a computer at my house so I have to either go to the library or wait until I get to my dad's house, which is only every other weekend, sometimes less. 
So, pretty please vote and comment! I hope y'all have a grrrrrrrreat holiday break! I love you all. Please vote!*)

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