Chapter 20- I Do Love You

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Dedicated to Mika3271 for reading allllll day starting from the beginning and getting to chapter 19 :)


~*Katie's P.O.V.*~

"Austin just tell me where you are. Please." I've been begging Austin to tell me where he is over the phone for the past 15 minutes. But he won't budge. 

Austin sighs heavily and I can imagine him rubbing his temples in frustration.

"Katie I can't. I'm busy."

"Too busy for your child? Austin, this is a new low. Even for you."

"Don't say that Katie. You're putting me in a really difficult position."

I squeeze my eyes shut and try my hardest not to blow up on him. But my attempt doesn't work. I can't hold it in. 

"I'm putting you in a difficult position? Did you forget that you made love to me and then left the next day? That I'm the one that is pregnant with your baby and that you won't tell me where you are? For fucks sake, this is the first time we've talked in, what, a month now? And I'm putting you in a difficult position? You were the one who didn't use a condom, this is as much your fault as it is mine. God dammit Austin, just accept some fucking responsibility!"

"I don't want to be a dad yet, Katie. I'm not ready. It's too much work."

"Well I'm not ready to be a mom, either. A single one at that."

Austin doesn't say anything but I know he's still there because I can hear his soft breathing. My eyes start to burn and I feel myself fighting off tears. 

"I thought you loved me, Austin...." Tears start to escape my eyes but I don't even bother trying to wipe them away. 

Austin sighs again but not in the way he did before. This sigh doesn't sound frustrated. It sounds tired and upset. And suddenly a wave of guilt passes through me. I shouldn't have tried to tell him. I shouldn't have told him. There was obviously a reason for why he left. And I'm sure that when he left he didn't think he would have to be dealing with something like this.

~*Austin's P.O.V.*~

"I'm sorry Austin. I shouldn't have told you. I'm sorry." 

"No Katie, wait I-"

"It's fine Austin. I understand." The line goes dead and I feel anger building up inside me.

Not towards her, but towards myself. I should have just told her where I was. I mean, wasn't I saying how much I wanted her to be with me? Or how much I wanted to be with her? Maybe I wasn't. I can't think straight. 

I lock my phone, shove it in my back pocket and walk out the door, slamming it behind me.

"Is everything okay, Mahone?" A hot little brunette girl that I hooked up with calls to me. 

"I'm fine. Just leave it alone."

Footsteps trail closely behind me until an arm wraps itself around me. 

"Austin. What's wrong?"

I shake her off me and step away from her, picking up my walking pace a little. 

"Look I said I was fine, alright? Just leave it alone. Go find someone else to hook up with."

She starts to say something back but I just roll my eyes and tune her out. After we hooked up, she was telling me about all this stuff that we could do while she was here. I guess she thought that since we had sex that we were automatically dating. I tried my best to explain to her that we weren't dating, that I had just used her for sex, but she wouldn't listen. That's her problem though. Not mine. I have other shit to worry about. Her feelings don't mean anything to me.

My phone starts to vibrate in my pocket and I pick it up without even looking.

"What the hell do you want now, Katie?"

"Woah bro. It's just Alex. I was just calling to see where you were. I'm at your room."

I groan slightly and turn around. "I'll be there in a minute."




"Wait, what? Say that again?"

"Dammit Alex. You heard me."

Alex shoves another piece of french toast in his mouth and looks at me.

"I just want to make sure I heard you right."

"I said that Katie's pregnant."

Alex stands up and paces back and forth in front of me.

"You also said that she wants to know where you are and you won't tell her."

I shrug. "Yeah, so?"

Alex stops pacing and looks right at me. 

"That's beyond fucked up. You need to tell her where you are. She can't have this baby by herself. It's yours too and you need to accept that."

"Dammit Alex, I thought you were on my side!"

Alex walks over to me and punches me right in the gut. I go to punch him back but then I realize what he's doing. He's literally beating sense into me. I cough a little and Alex hands me a water bottle from the mini fridge that's been stocked with water and vodka. I take s drink and nod at him, telling him thanks in a way. He sits down next to me and shakes his head.

"I am on your side. But you fucked up real bad this time. And that's why I'm saying you need to tell her."

I turn to look at him and furrow my eyebrows. 

"But Alex, how is she going to get out here? There's no way her mom will let her and it's not like she can afford it."

"Call her. Buy her a ticket for a late night flight. Fix this Austin. It can't get in the way of the life you're trying to start."

I shake my head and close my eyes, trying to calm myself down. I'm panicking, and I hate it.

"I can't. Katie won't do it. She's never been the type to break the rules, and you know that, Alex."

Alex chuckles and I look at him, raising an eyebrow. 

"Katie would break any rule if it meant she could be with you. And you know that, Austin. You need to tell her. Call her. Now."

I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial her number. After about the 4th ring, I think she isn't going to pick up. But then I hear her soft and innocent voice that I just realized how much I missed so much. 

"Hello...?" Her voice sounds unsure and confused. 

"I have a plan. We'll work this out."

"Really?" I hear her voice fill with excitement and I can't help but feel kind of bad. No matter what, she'll have to go home eventually. She can't stay with me forever. And no matter what plan I come up with for when she's here, I can almost guarentee that it isn't going to be what she wants. 

"Really. And Katie?" She stays silent, waiting for me to say whatever I'm going to say. " I do love you."

(*I bet y'all thought I died didn't ya? WELL GUESS WHAT! I DIDN'T! But in all seriousness I'm really sorry that it's taken me so long to update. I don't really have an excuse except for I was really heartbroken and didn't have any motivation to write. But I feel better now :) 

So, what did you think? I'm sorry I don't really like this chapter I think it sucked but oh well. ALSO! I saw in the comments someone asked if it was Jordan's baby because he raped Katie. I'll just tell you right now that it's not.  Comment your thoughts? If I like your comment I'll dedicate the next chapter to you! :)

Since this chapter wasnt very good, I won't move the votes. 90 votes until the next chapter.*)

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