Chapter 23- I Hate Good Days

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Dedicated to AsiaTaienao :) Your comment made me laugh so thank you!


"Austin. Austin wake up you lazy ass!" I hit Austin's arm with a pillow but he doesn't budge. "Ugh." I groan at his stubborness.

I've been trying to wake him up for the past 25 minutes and he will not move. I know I woke him up but I don't know if he fell back asleep or if he's just being an ass like usual. I'm leaning more towards the second option just because well. That seems like him.

I decide that trying to get him up is pointless so I just get up and take a shower. The hot water hits my bare skin and I instantly feel myself relax underneath it. I have no worries or concerns except for maybe what I'm goint to wear/ do today. I'm honestly not worried about my mom at all. And I know that sounds bad, but I feel free here. I don't have to worry about her getting mad because I did something wrong, or not the way she wanted me to do it. I don't have to worry about her yelling at me because I didn't go to school or because I didn't eat. I don't have to worry.

Once my fingers start to look wrinkly, I turn the water off and step out of the shower. i grab a towel and fry myself off, then blowdry my hair. I put on the bra and underwear I brought in with me and go out to my suitcase. It's an average day in Miami today, so I pick out a pair of white shorts and a turquoise tank top. I french braid my bangs and pin them back, then apply my usual make up. Once I'm satisifed with the way I look, I throw on a pair of sandals, grab some money, write a note for Austin telling him that I went out and I don't know when I'll be back, grab my phone and headphones and head out to go explore the busy streets of Miami.

I put in my headphones and pick "Hollywood" by Jake Miller. A smile spreads across my face when the familiar lyrics start to play. I find myself mentally singing along with it. As I walk down the sidewalk, I find girls glaring at me and boys staring at me. My smile turns into a smirk as I feel myself begin to strut down the sidewalk. If I said that I didn't like the attention, well, I would be lying. And I may as well strut while i still can. I'm sure it's pretty hard to strut like this when you're pregant and even harder when you have a baby to carry around. Shaking that thought from my head, I keep walking and looking around.

When I finally get tired of just walking around aimlessly I decide to go shopping. I walk to a mall that I found on a map and am very pleased with cool air when I walk in. My first stop is the food court, where I get a bowl of teriyaki chicken and a huge soda from Panda Express. I find a seat and take out my headphones, looking around at everyone. Not necessarily judging, just.. Watching. I like to look at the way peole act. when they're by themselves, and then if they meet up with people. i like to see if I can tell if people are acting different because they're with people or if that's just how they are. I don't know, I guess I like reading people.

After I finish eating, I get the cashier to give me a free refill of my soda and a jumbo water bottle, which I put in the purse I go and buy. i go into Pac Sun and load up on shorts and tank tops and jeans and shoes. I just buy whatever I want. i move on to other stores, Tilly's Zumiez, Aeropstale, American Eagle, Victoria's Secret. Like I said, whatever I want. Eventually I get tired of shopping so I go back to the food court and buy a couple more jumbo water bottles and put them in my purse.

I look at my phone and see that it's 4:42, and I have like 14 text messages. All from Austin. Oops. I dial his number and am greeted by a very flustered Austin.

"Katie? What the fuck?!"

"Well hello to you too," I say and move my phone away from my ear.

"I knew you were going to be gone, but i didn't know you were going to be gone this long!"

I roll my eyes at him even though he can't see me. "Baby chill, I'm on my way back right now."

His voice calms down and I can tell he's a little more relaxed now. "Can I come get you?"

"No, I'm okay. I'll be there soon."

"Okay, see you soon. I love you."

I smile automatically at his words. "I love you too."




The walk back to the hotel seemed to have gone by fairly quick. The sun was setting, so the temperature was cooler, but it was still nice outside. I didn't listen to my music, this time, I decided to listen to the sounds around me. The people talking, high heels clicking on the sidewalk, cars driving by, tourists taking pictures. All in all, I was content with today. It was a good day, which I liked. But I was also sort of scared. I love when I have good days, because well, who doesn't enjoy when the day goes smoothly? But I also didn't like them because whenever I do have one, something bad tends to ruin it. But, I'm at the hotel right now and so far, so good.

I get out of the elevator and walk towards our room, where I see a girl probably about my age in front of out door, looking hesitant to knock. I force a smile on my face as I walk over to her.

"Hi, can I help you?" I say, still with a smile on my face.

She smiles back but looks confused. "Um, you know who is in this room, right?"

I nod. "Yeah, Austin and Alex. Why?"

She furrows her eyebrows at me. "Who are you?"

How should I label myself? I mean, I guess technically I belong to Austin, and he belongs to me... But at the same time we haven't really made things 're-official'.

"I'm Austin's girlfriend. Who are you?"

Her smile turns to a frown then a smirk. "I'm the girl he knocked up."

I hate good days.

(*Hi. Hello. How are you? Good? Good. I'm doing well also, thank you for asking wow you are so sweet!

Okay sorry that was random xD First off, I want to apologize for any spelling errors, I didn't go through and check because I'm lazy so you'll have to deal with it. The second thing is... 50,886 READS!!!!!!!! OMFG THAT'S SO AMAZING ILY ALL SO MUCH I COULD CRY AND I DID. Wait whaaaat? But in all seriousness thank you all so much. Your comments make me smile and laugh and I just ugh I love you all. AND special shoutout to EwwThatMahomie for literally making me laugh with every damn comment. xD

Comment your thoughts and the next chapter could be dedicated to you! 100 votes for the next chapter. Love you, byee*)

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