Into the Woods

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Hey everybody, just wanted to say the pic on the right is kinda how I picture Jake, but with darker hair and silver eyes. Can you picture that? -Cinnamondoodle


I couldn't believe it. Jake? What's he doing here, with Kate of all people? What were they talking about, with Alphas and second in lines, and nonsense like that? The creepy part was, I understood what they were saying. When I was little, my dad used to tell me stories about giant packs of wolves living in the forest. They could turn into people, and people could turn into them. " Not werewolves," he used to say. "more like shape-shifters." I don't remember much about the stories, but I do remember that there was one wolf who was in charge, and he was called the Alpha.

"...Anyway," Kate said, "we should get back. I have a patrol to run."

"Wait," Jake said, sounding alarmed, "what patrol? We don't have patrols, Kate!"

"We do now. Your dad said we had to patrol our borders with the eclipse pack, there have been rumors that they're gonna attack us soon."

"What? We've been on neutral terms for the last two years! They don't bug us, we don't bug them."

"Tell that to your dad. I don't care what you say, Jake. I am not disobeying the Alpha."  With these last words, Kate stalked off into the forest.

Jake ran after her, yelling "Come back! I'm gonna be in trouble if you get hurt!"

"Look, I'm a big girl now, Okay? I can take care of myself!" she shouted back.

Wow. I had never heard Kate talk to anyone before that. I thought about going after them, but I decided I didn't want to face her, as well as get caught for eavesdropping. I didn't want to say I was scared, but I was and more than mildly freaked out. I kept an eye on the forest the whole way home.

When I got home, my mom was waiting for me.

"Hey Mom," I said, slinging my book bag over my shoulder and onto the kitchen table. "Where's Sara?"

"Oh, she came home early. She wasn't feeling well."

"Oh, no! How is she?"

"Nothing major, just a cold. I'm sure she want's to see you, though."

" I'll go check on her, I was going up there anyways."

When I go upstairs, I have to admit Sara looks terrible. Her cheeks are flushed and I can see by the amount of tissues surrounding her her nose is running too.

"Hi," she says weakly.

"Hi, I say back. "How are you feeling?"

"Not so good."  

"Do you want to hear a story?"

Sara nods.

"Okay, I'll go get Mom."  Sara waits patiently while I dash down the stairs.

"Mom, Sara wants to hear a story." I tell her.

"Which story?"

"I don't know, what about one she hasn't heard before?"

"Like what?"

An idea hits me. "What about the one with the wolves? The one Dad used to tell me?"

"Oh, honey, I haven't told that story in a long time, and besides, it was alway's your Dad's to tell."


She sighs. "Well, okay, since you insist."

I race up the stairs to tell Sara what story Mom's going to tell her. When I do, she says,  "I haven't heard that story before."

"Oh, well it's really good, you'll see!"

 Sara rolls her eyes, but says nothing.

Mom walks into the room. "Okay, everyone ready?"

"Yes!" Sara says, all reluctance of hearing a new story gone.

"Okay, well, once upon a time there were packs of giant wolves living in forests around the world. They cared for one another in their packs, but sometimes different packs didn't get along. The leader of the pack was called the Alpha, and his second in command was the Beta. The Alpha was the one who held the pack together, quite literally, the pack could fall apart if there wasn't an Alpha. If the Alpha died, his son would take his place. But there was one thing special about these wolves. They could turn into humans, or should I say humans could turn into them. After the first time they transformed, they could normally control when they shifted, but when they were mad their eyes shifted color-"

"Um, Mom, I forgot I promised Kate I'd meet her at the library to study for a math test... So I need to go now."

"Oh, okay sweetie, I'll see you later."

"Bye Mom, Bye Sara!"

"Bye!" Sara and Mom chime together.

I dash out the door and away from the house. My head was spinning so fast, I thought I was going to throw up. Jake. Kate. My whole life is messed up now. Could Dad's stories be true? God, I'd give anything to talk to him now. I had been fine until Mom had said the part about the eyes. Jake's eyes had flashed this morning when I told him I was't going to date him. At the time, I almost said yes. Now, I see I was right to say no. He is so mysterious, and I don't really want to think what would've happened if I had said yes and he was a wolf. A wolf. God, I'm going crazy. Next I'll think Oliver is a tiger.

I didn't even realize I was heading for the woods until I got there. I only realized it when I walked into a tree. In my defense, I was so confused, I barely noticed three giant wolves lunging for my throat.

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 I know, I know, a cliffhanger, but I promise I'll upload soon!! -Cinnamondoodle

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