Training, Mates, and a Whole Lot of POV changes... Part 1

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"What did you just say? Because it sounded a lot like you were asking me why Leona Keye isn't a shifter," Dad scolds. "You already know why Leona isn't a shifter. She's just human."


"But what? Do you know something I don't?"

"Well, I guess not, but-"

"No buts. I want to see you here, tomorrow. Bring Kate and Darren too, I can't cope with everyone by myself."

"could help you, Dad." Ian says slyly.

Dad laughs. "Nice try, sport, but I need you in training. We need everyone if we're gonna fight the Eclipse pack."

"What?" Ian and I splutter.

"Jake.. Ian... we're going to have to fight them at some point. You both knew that."

"Dad, you can't be serious!" I cry.

"I want to be on the front line!" Ian yells excitedly. See, this is how we are opposites. I'm more of a peacemaker, while Ian is all about war. The ironic thing is, Ian is probably the world's worst werewolf fighter. But then again, I havn't seen him fight in months.I've heard I'm pretty good myself, but who knows? Maybe people just compliment me because my dad is the Alpha and the packs best fighter.

"Ian, you're not going to be on the front line," Dad says patiently. "I want all the shifters from ages thirteen to sixteen as reinforcements." Ian hangs his head glumly.

"And Jake, " Dad continues, "I want you to be on the front line."

"Not fair!" Ian wails.

"No!" I dig up the first and easiest argument. "I won't even be seventeen for three months!"

"Jake, no complaints." Dad says, "None out of either of you. Ian, you're in the back because you're one of our youngest shifters. Jake, you're in the front because you're one of our very best fighters and second in line. If something happens to me, you'll need to be the one to take over."

"The Eclipse pack is almost three times our size! Even with the young shifters, we'll be outnumbered three to one!"

"Jake, enough!" My dad yells. "Get to bed!"


Leona's POV -The next day

I can't tell you how many people have signed my cast. I can't tell you how many people asked me how I hurt my leg. I can't tell you how many people've asked me if they could try out my crutches. But most importantly, I can't tell you how many people I've seen that are not Jake. Sure, I was glad to see Oliver. Sure, I was happy me and Kate made up. But I want to know who he really is. Ever since I met him, my need to see him, talk to him, meet him properly, has only grown.

"Are you okay?" Oliver asks. "You look a little... distant."

"I shake my head to clear it. "I'm fine, just... thinking."

"Is it a guy?"

I snap my head toward him. "What makes you say that?"

"I dunno, it's just... you look like you're looking for something, but I know it's not an object because you haven't said anything like 'Hey, Oliver, have you seen my math notebook?'  or anything like that."

"Well, all I can say is that you're either psychic or a secret girl. Or possibly a shman, what ever you prefer."

Oliver blushes a violent shade of red. "I'm none of those!"

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