Mountainous Terrain

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Sorry it's been so long, if anyones actually still reading this... school, and other things. Plenty of excuses, but how about I go ahead and actually write this chapter?


Leona's POV

"Where are we going?" I complain. "We've been driving for hours."

"We've been driving for thirty minutes!" says Kate. 

"Soo?" I complain. "I want to get out and walk around! My legs are asleep."

Kate looks back from the front seat where she and Mom are sitting. "You're in luck, we'll be getting out and walking soon."

"Really?" I look out the fog-stained window. "But there's so much more of the road ahead."

"The path we're taking goes a little bit off course," says Mom, "also, they don't like it if we drive."

"Who doesn't like it if we drive?" I ask, startled.

They say nothing. Sara and I exchange a glance.

In fewer than ten minutes, the engine rumbles to a stop. "Everyone ready?" Mom asks.

"No," I grumble. Kate pops the trunk and grabs a few backpacks. Around us, other shifters are doing the same. "Am I the only one who didn't get the memo?"

"No," grumbles Sara.

Kate hands me a backpack. "Here," she says.

"Wow," I say, feeling the weight. "Sara won't be able to carry a bag this size."

"She won't have to," Mom says, "we're staying behind for a little while."

"How will you catch up?"  

"Easy," Mom pulls back her long hair. "I'll carry her. She can't walk that long as you can. She has shorter legs." 

"Hey!" cries Sara.

Mom shrugs. "It's the truth."

"Wait." I look at Mom. "You can't carry her all that way by yourself. You should have someone come with you, to hold up her weight-

"Hey!" cries Sara.

"Leona," Kate says gently, "Jake carried you when you were injured."

"Yeah, but that was when he was a..." Oh. I blush. "Wait, what about my leg? I can't walk far either."

"We know." I whirl around, finding Jake looking at me with such a gentle expression I have to look away.  "You're riding with your mom as well."

I feel my face turn red. "So, I'm the girl who gets carted around by her mommy?"

"HEY!" cries Sara.

"Leona, you're hurt." Kate murmurs.

"I'm coming with you." I demand.

"No." Jake crosses his arms. "Leona, I don't ask for much, but as Alpha I have to insist you stay behind and let a wolf carry you. It doesn't have to be your mom. You could ask another wolf, like Darren, or Kate."

My eyes find a stray clump of dirt. "Would you be saying this if I wasn't your mate?"

"Leona!" Mom whispers.

I don't look up, but I here the steel in his voice. "Yes. You are as much a member of this pack as anyone else."

"Fine. I'll ride with someone." I hear sighs of relief. "Kate, would you be willing to carry me?"

"Sure," Kate says. "Stand back."

My eyes widen. "Here? But what about-"

"Why do you think I wore my least favorite T-shirt?"

"I gave you that!" Jake whines. I grin. It's fun to watch him from being a totally serious leader to a little kid. He catches my smile and grins back.

Kate clenches her fists, and closes her eyes. I almost do the same. It creeps me out, seeing someone shift, every single time.

Kate leans forward. A wave of white fur ripples across her skin. Then it disappears, and nothing happens.

"What happened?" I whisper to Mom.

"I'll take care of this," Jake growls. He strides over to Kate and begins talking in a harsh, quiet tone.


Kate POV -Yay!!

"You have to get this under control!" Jake hisses.

"I'm sorry, but this isn't my fault!" I whisper. "I can't help it! Listen, if this is Leona's aura or something, being near her comes with  risk."

"If this is Leona, it's not her fault, either!"

"I never said it was, but listen. We have to figure out how to protect ourselves from her! Whatever's stifling her shifting is affecting us, too, and it's becoming a problem."

"Later I'll speak with her mother. Mrs. Keye has been with Leona all her life and she can still shift with no problems. Right now, just go into the woods and try to shift. If not, Darren is carrying her."

I see Leona's concerned face as I walk past the forest line. Once inside, I sit down in a clearing and concentrate. I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck sticking up. I snap my eyes open. My vision has become sharper, more rounded. The sensation hits me like a bullet train. I can feel my wolf form bursting into reality. I set my paws on the forest floor.

Lets do this.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2012 ⏰

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