Mates for Life

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Jake's POV

Kate can be so stupid sometimes. I mean, yeah, sure, she wasn't going to be eaten by a bear or anything, more like she would eat the bear. But since her dad was the Beta, my mom had decided that it was my job to look after her. I honestly just think she wants Kate to become my mate. Like that's gonna happen. Don't get me wrong, she's not ugly or anything, I just don't think about her that way.

*We're gonna get in trouble!* I think to her.

She snorts, shaking her white pelt. *Yeah, and what for?*

*I don't know, maybe the fact you are swimming in a mudhole!*

*Hey, you were the one who dropped my shoes in there!*

*Oh, so it was me who dropped your 'nice' sneakers in there.*

*Well, you knocked them in when your giant wolf butt swung around and-* Her thoughts trail off as a scream cuts through the silence. *Um, what was that?* As she thinking this, a loud wolf growl shatters the world.

* The Eclipse pack is attacking someone! Let's go!* I spring forward and sprint as fast as I can towards the noise.

*Jake!* I can hear Kate's thoughts behind me. *Jake, wait!* I hesitate, but keep running. *Jake, listen to me. You can't go over there.*

*Yeah, and why not?!*

*Because that was a human scream! You're a wolf!*

*So? I'll just shift back,* I start to shift back.

*EW! Jake, FEMALE PRESENT!!* She says, averting her eyes. *Jake, I honestly think whoever is out there will be more scared of your naked body then of you're wolf.*

"Make up your mind already!" I yell at her, glad to have my voice back.

Kate shifts her paws back and forth, still not looking at me. *Well, maybe you could, wait that won't work, what about, no, oh, JUST SHIFT TO YOUR STUPID WOLF ALREADY!*

"Thank you for making that decision," I grumble. I explode into my red wolf and stalk towards Kate. *There, Happy now?* 

*This isn't the time, Jake!*  With that, her white wolf speeds away.  Oh yeah, now who want's to play hero? This time, I'm following her.  When we get there, my heart almost stops beating, and not because of the three giant black wolves. My heart stops beating because of the girl laying unconcious on the ground, with blood seeping out of a cut on her leg.

The girl is the same girl who I met this morning in the parking lot. Leona. Just the name causes a faint pang to run through me.  

Get a grip and fight, stop standing there! I think to myself. Kate is grappling with all three wolves, and losing badly. I grab the biggest wolf by the scruff of his neck and pull him away from Kate, hoping she can take on those two by themselves.

I growl warningly at the large wolf. He's jet black with a scar running down his flank. His eyes are so dark, I can't tell where his pupils are. He's a good inch or two taller than the rest of the wolves, which means one thing. He has Alpha blood, maybe even the Alpha himself. He launches himself at me, easily clearing the seven yards between us. He chomps down on my shoulder, narrowly missing my neck. I let out a howl of pain.

*Jake? What's going on?* I can hear my father's voice in my head.

I throw the wolf off me and batt him away with a forepaw. *The Eclipse pack was attacking a human, so me and Kate went to help, but the girl was unconcious so now they're attacking us!*

*We're coming. How many?* 

*Just three, but bring others. We need to get the girl to a hospital, and probably Kate too.*

*Kate? What's wrong with her?* That was my mother's voice.

*I think she's okay, but she's fighting two wolves. I think one of them might be the Beta*

*Then what are you doing? You should help her!*

*Quit talking! I'm trying to fight the Alpha! Dad, HURRY!*

*On my way, just hang on!*

I feel a sudden weight on my back. The Alpha had dug his teeth into my back and is now biting me viciously. I roll over onto my back, crushing him beneath me. All he did in response was kick me off himself. I crash into the side of a tree, my back leg bleeding heavily. I try to get up, but I collapse under my weight. I can feel the wound starting to heal, but not fast enough.

The Alpha snarls and prowls over to Kate, who had defeated the first wolf, but was losing to the second. The Alpha jumped on her, as he leaned in to finish her off. A brown flash appeared and knocked The Alpha right off Kate. It was my father. As a Alpha himself, he sliced the black wolf's nose almost in half. The wolf, growled, but backed away. he let out a sharp howl, which caused the wolf fighting Kate to back off, dragging the unconcious one behind him. Darren, my best friend, who had been fighting with Kate, stalked over to me.

*Sullivan think's Kate's gonna be okay, just her arm is messed up. We need to get her to a shifter hospital.*

*What about her?!*  I wave my tail over to where Leona is lying unconcious.

*We don't even know where she lives! What about her parents?*

*She's Kate's friend. Kate knows where she lives. I'll go ask her.* 

Darren sticks out a forepaw and holds me back. *Um, Jake, now's not the best time to ask, she's hurt pretty bad, and-* I stalk past him to Kate. I lean in close to her.

*Kate, listen. I need to know where Leona lives. She's hurt really badly, we need to get her home.* Kate doesn't respond. *Kate, please, I'm begging you.* Kate's thoughts are utterly empty. * Kate, you will tell me where she lives!*

*Jake!* My father all but screams at me. I had let some of the Alpha authority leak into my voice. I should have been ashamed, but I wasn't. I needed Leona to be safe. I needed it like I've never needed anything before.

*J-jake,* Kate thinks. My head turns toward her. *9120 Willow street.*  

*I'll take her home,* Darren offers.

I wheel around, a growl building in my throat. *NO! I'll take her.* I walk over and gingerly pick her up with my forepaws, and lay her across my back. Then, suddenly I'm running, my only thoughts are to save this girl, who I barely even know.

9111 ,9112, 9113, 9114, 9115, 9116, ugg this is so slow! Finally, I'm at 9120. Since I have no way to knock on the door, let alone ring the doorbell, I let out a long, loud wolf howl. At the second story window, there's a girl who looks about seven staring down at me with large, excited eyes. The door flings open and a woman who looks like Leona walks out. So this is Leona's mom.

Many emotions like shock, and anger cross her face when she see's me. Suprisingly, terror is not one of them. I gently set down Leona in front of her, and slowly walk away. 

"Wait!" She calls. Inwardly, I groan. Seriously, how hard is it to have a dramatic moment without someone calling me back? I twist my head to face her, but my feet are facing the forest.

"It's been a long time since I saw someone like you," She says softly. "Just know that if it was your pack who saved my daughter, thank you."

I dip my head in response and walk into the forest, this time with no one to call me back. 

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