First Impressions

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" I'm getting out of this car." I declare. We were about to pull up into the school parking lot, and the sun was just rising, so it was freezing.

"Why?" Kate asked, her voice muffled because her nose was almost buried in the back of Oliver's head.

" Okay, first, you have been inching closer and closer to Oliver the whole ride, and honestly; I'm afraid he's gonna turn around to kiss you and the car's gonna crash. And second, no offense Oliver, but I can't believe they actually gave you a license. And finally, this car smells like someone caught a fart in a jar and it's been rotting for three weeks."

"Well, okay then..." Oliver said, suprised at my outburst. "You can get out if you want to."

"Thank you," I say, regaining my dignity. I open the car door and stepped out into the cold. 

Whoa. Reaallllyy bad day to wear a tank top,  I thought. Looking down, I saw a tissue from Oliver's car was stuck to my arm.

"Oh, YUCK!" I screeched, yanking the tissue off my arm. I ran to a trash can and tossed it in. Wondering how soon I could wash my arm, I spun around and bumped straight into a guy, about seventeen or so, spilling coffee all down the front of his shirt.

 "Oh god, I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine, just watch where you're going next time. all right?"

I nodded. Then, I took a good look at him for the first time. He was about a head taller than I was, so I had to look up to see his face. He had reddish brown hair, and was tanned. Not too special. But his eyes struck me the most. They were a luminous silvery gold, like the color of the moon. 

I could see him staring at me, too. I stuck out my arm. "I'm Leona, what's your name?"

He hesitated. "Oh, um, I'm Jake. I, uh, just moved here with my family."

"Well, I guess I'll see you around," I said, feeling like an idiot for not saying more. As I was walking away, Jake yelled, "Wait!"

 Suddenly he was in front of me.

"Wait," he said again.

"I heard you the first time..." I mumbled

"Will you go out with me sometime?" he asked.

I just stared at him. "..Like, on a date?"

"So will you?"

 Every single cell in my body was screaming for me to say yes. For a moment, I thought I would. Even though I had just meet him, I knew I wanted to be with him.

"No. I'm sorry, I just can't. I don't want to date." As I said this, a pain shot through my body, shattering my heart into thousands of pieces, all smashing into each other. Jake's eyes flashed, and for a moment I thought they actually changed color. He looked utterly heartbroken  I instantly felt awful.      " It's not that I wouldn't want to date you or anything, I just you, know, don't date."

"I-I guess I'll see you around." He choked. He turned around and dashed into the woods.

I heard feet approaching behind me. Kate and Oliver.

"Hey, who was that?" Kate asked.

I turned around to face her. "Oh- um, just some guy."

Kate took a deep breath. "You smell weird."

"Gee, thanks."

"No, like different weird. Like, well, wet dog."

"You flatter me."

"C'mon, I'm serious."

"Yeah, well I am too. Let's get to class."

For the rest of the day, Kate keeps muttering about scents, and weird stuff like; 'What's gonna happen now' and 'She can't find out.' I pretend not to hear, because I'm hoping she will forget about it by tomorrow. Also, it's getting on my nerves and it's kinda freaking me out.

Kate has Chemistry, and I have French, so we split ways at last period. By the time the bell rings, i'm itching to get out of my seat. I need to find Oliver and talk to him about the way Kate's been acting.

Oliver is nowhere in sight, so I decide just to walk home. As i'm walking by the woods, I hear  talking in whispers. 

"....You know the rules! You're father's the Alpha for god's sakes!"

I freeze. That's Kate's voice. I duck behind a shrub to listen. When the second voice begin's talking, I feel like I should know it.

"Please, Kate, I didn't do anything wrong. We were just talking."

"Well, if I were her, I would be soooo suspicious. Seriously! What kind of guy runs of into the forest right before school starts? Plus, you didn't even bother to disguise your eyes! What kind of guy has gold eyes? I mean COME ON!"

" Hey, that wasn't my fault. I don't know what happened, just be glad my teeth shrank before she looked at me."

"Wait. you mean your canines? That's just weird.....She's your mate isn't she? You found a mate!"


"Oh course not! She's human. It's really rare, and besides, I didn't, like, mark her or anything."

"Well, okay, but be careful around h-...... wait, what's that smell?"

"It's just human scent, Kate. We're right next to the school. It's probably nothing."

Oh, crap they can smell me? Wait, they can smell me?

" I will trust your judgement because you are second in line. But if it isn't nothing, it's all on you, Jake."

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